第一世哲布尊丹巴·羅桑丹貝堅贊,1635 - 1723
Öndör Gegeen Zanabazar
The first Jebtsundamba Khutuktu
Жавзандамба хутагт Өндөр Гэгээн Занабазар 傳說,扎那巴扎爾最早降生於印度,是釋迦牟尼佛的五百比丘之一,後轉世在西藏,傳世十五世至多羅那他(Taranatha ,1575-1634),是西藏覺囊派高僧。
1614年,多羅那他應蒙古喀爾喀部的阿巴岱汗邀請前往庫倫一帶傳經約20年,深得喀爾喀部諸領袖人物的信奉和支持,逐漸成為當地宗教領袖,被尊稱哲布尊丹巴(Jebtsundamba),藏語意為「尊勝」。1634年,多羅那他圓寂,次年,喀爾喀諸汗王認定於明崇禎八年(1635年)誕生於喀爾喀部的土謝圖汗袞布多爾吉之子札那巴札爾為其轉世。 5歲時受戒出家,法名羅桑丹貝堅贊。1649年前往西藏學法,次年在扎什倫布寺從第四世班禪喇嘛受戒。後由 嘉瓦仁波切正式授予「哲布尊丹巴呼圖克圖」的名號。 1657年,扎那巴扎爾回蒙古傳法,駐喀爾喀土謝圖汗部之額爾德尼召(光顯寺),逐漸成為外蒙古各部的政教領袖。 1688年,喀爾喀部受準噶爾汗國噶爾丹的攻擊,扎那巴扎爾厭惡部落戰爭,率喀爾喀三汗所屬部眾歸順清朝。清康熙三十年(1691年),康熙帝冊封其為呼圖克圖大喇嘛,統管外蒙古喀爾喀部宗教事務。此後扎那巴扎爾常駐北京。 1723年在京圓寂,享年88歲。雍正也親自致祭,法體供養於慶寧寺。 在政治與宗教之外,扎那巴扎爾是位才華洋溢的藝術家、詩人、建築師與醫生,對蒙古語言、藝術、醫學、天文等都有不可磨滅的貢獻,特別是他的佛像雕塑精美而不失生動,西方許多學者將他譽為「亞洲的米開朗基羅」,現在仍可在蒙古及歐美的博物館內看到他手作,或出自他的作坊的佛像。他獨具特色的佛像藝術風格,影響了後代蒙古的佛像藝術創作,這些跟隨他的創作方式所衍伸的佛像藝術創作,就被稱為扎那巴扎爾風格。 蒙古彌勒大佛主尊正是複製自一尊十七世紀,由有「亞洲米開朗基羅」美譽的,第一世哲布尊丹巴呼圖克圖,扎那巴扎手作的彌勒菩薩像。 值得一提的是,札那巴札爾也是蒙古蘇永布文(soyombo script)的發明者,這個文字是來自印度與西藏的發音系統文字,現在蒙古國旗上的圖案就是取自這個文字的組合(象徵日、月、地球、水、火,與陰、陽)。 Zanabazar was the most influential spiritual leader of the Mongols as he greatly enriched and advanced traditional Mongolian culture through the introduction of Buddhist art, philosophy and culture. A descendant of Chinggis Khaan, Zanabazar was recognized by the Panchen Lama and The DL in 1640 as being a "reincarnate lama" of the Jonangpa line of Tibetan Buddhism. Soon after he received his seat as head of the Gelug tradition in Mongolia. In 1647 at the young age of 12 he founded the Shankh Monastery in Mongolia. After Zanabazar mastered the skills of the bronze casting while staying in Tibet, he returned to Mongolia to start what would later be called the great Mongolian artistic renaissance. Often refereed to as the Michelangelo of Asia, he would became Mongolia's greatest sculptor. Zanabazar is also well known for inventing the soyombo, the national symbol of Mongolia, and he also reformed the Mongolian script. Zanabazar was also a visionary and teacher in the field of astrology. Zanabazar created many famous Buddhist master pieces including sculptures of Tara, Amitabha and Shakyamuni. It was Maitreya Buddha that Zanabazar had a particular keen interest in, creating many beautiful Maitreya sculptures in his lifetime while often writing about Maitreya at the same time. The Grand Maitreya Project is being created in the spirit of Zanabazar who so greatly admired Maitreya Buddha, the Buddha of Loving Kindness. Many of Zanabazar's creations can be seen in museums in Mongolia and in Washington D.C.