本帖最后由 噶瑪敦珠寧波 于 2016-10-3 20:53 编辑
蒙古彌勒大佛計劃 The Grand Maitreya Project 蒙古現今正在吹起他們根植於佛法的全國性文化復興旋風。在多年的軍事佔領下,兩百名蒙古人勇敢地發起和平抗議,最終,點燃了國家文化改革之火。1990年蘇聯紅軍撤離蒙古,蒙古終於重獲信仰自由。那時,為了重建也為恢復蒙古與西藏佛教的古老文化連結,蒙古人向宗座 尊者嘉瓦仁波切尋求指引。 Mongolia is currently experiencing anationwide cultural re-connection with their spiritual roots of Buddhism. Aftermany years of occupation, 200 brave Mongolian people staged a peaceful protestthat eventually sparked into a nationwide cultural revolution. By 1990occupying forces retreated and Mongolia once again re-gained their spiritualfreedoms. Hoping to re-build and re-connect fully with their ancient culture ofTibetan Buddhism, the Mongolian people have turned to DL for guidance duringthis time. 蒙古彌勒大佛計劃正是蒙古信仰重建的核心,由宗座 嘉瓦仁波切為首的顧問團所領導。本計劃旨在透過建造世上最大的愛慈指標以進一步復興蒙古文明。本計劃的中心是一尊177英呎的(54公尺,連同佛塔建築總高108公尺)彌勒菩薩立像。彌勒慈氏,象徵諸佛菩薩的慈愛總集。毗鄰在菩薩立像後的,將會是一座巨大的佛塔,內部樓層作為教學與禪修教室,同時供奉佛陀的舍利與文物。(譯按:主尊彌勒菩薩立像是複製自一尊十七世紀,由有「亞洲米開朗基羅」美譽的,第一世哲布尊丹巴呼圖克圖,扎那巴扎手作的彌勒菩薩像。) At the heart of the Mongolian people’sspiritual re-connection and under the guidance of a spiritual board led by DLis the Grand Maitreya Project. The Project aims to help further Mongolia’scultural revival by building the world’s largest beacon of Loving - Kindness.At the projects center will be a 177 foot tall statue of the standing MaitreyaBodhisattva. Maitreya is the Buddha, or Bodhisattva of Loving - Kindness.Connected to the statue will be a stupa which will house several interiorteaching and meditation levels, along with holy relics and other artifacts ofthe historical Buddha. 塑立彌勒菩薩巨像是歷代眾多蒙古與西藏高僧所奉行的修持傳統,許多偉大的上師如是教示:「佛像的塑造若能越是力求高廣巨大,盡力使之莊嚴悅目,越是能使更多眾生與佛法結緣,得到啟發與福報利益。」因此,我們的彌勒大佛正是基於如此,而努力於佛身的高大與莊嚴,進而將慈愛象徵帶給美好的蒙古人民,同時喚起世界各地的人們對普世和平的覺醒。 Building large statues of Maitreya was anancient spiritual tradition for many of the high Mongolian and Tibetan Buddhistlamas of the past. Many of the Lamas teach that the larger and more beautifulthe statue is, the more people will learn about it, come into contact andbenefit from this. The Project’s intention is that the size and beauty of thisGrand Maitreya statue will bring this sacred symbol of Loving-Kindness back tothe beautiful people of Mongolia and at the same time to the attention of manypeople throughout the entire planet, helping to create awareness for peace onEarth. 殿堂所在地位於蒙古首都烏蘭巴托的市郊,一個被蒙古人稱為「心山」的地方。(譯按:心山是蒙古佛教領袖,哲布尊丹巴呼圖克圖三百年多前曾駐錫的聖地。)無分別地開放予世界各地各傳承的國際佛教教育及文化中心,讓各傳承信仰和平團結。當大佛與塔院竣工時,計劃會繼續為慈愛文化戮力,我們的其中一項目標是不分背景與信仰的,提供免費的禪修與教育課程。 The statue construction site is located ina place Mongolian people call Heart Hill, just outside of the Mongolian capitalcity of Ulaanbaatar. The statue site will serve as an educational, spiritualand cultural center for the world. The statue site will also featurenon-sectarian & international Buddhist centers representing many differentlineages and traditions from around the world. Making the Project a uniqueplace for all spiritual traditions to come together in peace. Once the statueand stupa are completed, the project will work to help create a culture ofLoving-Kindness for the world. One of the goals of the project is to offer freemeditation training and many other educational services for people of allfaiths and backgrounds. 「對於蒙古彌勒大佛計劃將致力於教育,我感到由衷滿意與歡喜。」宗座 尊者嘉瓦仁波切如是表示隨喜。 "I am pleased and happy to know thatthe main part of the Grand Maitreya Project will be dedicated for supportingeducation." ~ DL 彌勒大佛計劃是一由宗座 尊者嘉瓦仁波切、蒙古佛教領導尊貴的 堪布喇嘛嘉杰穹尖顛博—蒙古甘丹寺住持(HEKhamba Lama Gyabje Choijamts Demberel;Khambo lama ofGandantegchinlen Khiid - His Eminence Khamba Lama, Gabju Demberelyn Choijamts)、喇嘛賈度仁波切及尊貴的乃穹神諭師 圖登俄珠所領導的非營利,非政府組織。 The Project is being conducted under theSpiritual guidance of DL, leader of Mongolian Buddhism HE Khamba Lama GyabjeChoijamts Demberel, Lama Jhado Rinpoche and Venerable Thupten Ngodup Oracle. 薩迦王嗣--智慧金剛仁波切 KhondungGyana Vajra Rinpoche 於四月時造訪未來彌勒大佛的所在地,並與菩薩之頂嚴、兜羅棉手、及菩薩的三昧耶形--賢瓶合影。仁波切為薩迦法王之次子與吉祥薩迦派重要傳承法嗣。 蒙古彌勒大佛計劃的主尊,是複製自扎那巴扎爾風格(Zanabazar school)的十七世紀銅像。此像髮髻高攏,面相秀美,五官俊朗,神態安詳靜謐,氣質高雅而神秘;佛身造型柔和而不失生動,不加瓔珞反而增添整體流暢度;下身薄裙貼身,衣角飛揚,凸顯肉身美感,具有濃厚尼泊爾與印度雕塑遺風;法座蓮瓣寬肥飽滿,令人見之歡喜。實是一上乘作品,因此也有不少模仿之作。 設計師 Erdembileg Dorjjadamba的巧手讓彌勒菩薩曼妙地從泥壤中甦醒,如此美好的時刻在快門中永存。Erdembileg Dorjjadamba是極富盛名的蒙古藝術家,也是團隊首席設計師及董事。