我英语 学习,我认为也是祈竹仁波切 的另一种加持。本来给别人拿的一本这个 英文版心灵甘露。写作文我用了几段仁波切的话,一定给批卷老师震撼到了~,几句初中水平的 My teacher said…… 然后就引用这里的几句话。很有用。
The Buddha‘s advice is to:
Do Good,Aovid Evil,and Purify the Mind.……
What is the Dana?
The simply means "giving"or charity or helping others.This can be practiced in many different ways.You can do so through speech by using kind and encouraging words with others.Even giving something as simple as a smile can help another if it cheers them up and brightens their day.
You can always lend a hand to anyone who needs help.
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