1. 自從論壇一段時間連不上後,各位貼的美圖都看不到了。
2. 現在FPMT的網站有改版,可以下載此圖,沒有訂價,只有選項,你可以捐一塊美金,兩塊美金,也可以選零。
3. 除了這個,還有尊勝佛母咒輪。也是自由捐助下載之。
4. 這邊用的都是藏文,但其實不管是無垢光明咒或是尊勝咒,大正藏裡都有梵字悉曇體 (感謝日本佛教徒從唐代傳抄保存至今) 要剪貼作圖也不是困難的事。
5. 梭巴喇嘛對此類配戴物品的開示如下:
Lama Zopa Rinpoche advice on wearing protection items: "When you wear the protection, you can wear it in the shower if it has a plastic cover on it. Then, the shower is not a problem. The worst thing is if you wear a buddha or a picture of His Holiness the Dalai Lama around your neck and then when you go to sleep it goes down under your arm or your body. If you wear it when you lie down, then that is creating negative karma. Therefore, it is good to take it off when you lie down at home or whenever doing activities which are disrespectful to Buddha, including lying down or having the buddha under your body. If you don't pay attention this can happen."
大概意思就是帶著洗澡無所謂,只要防水。但不管是佛牌,喇嘛照片,咒輪,不能壓在身體下,睡覺時候不小心發生這種事情就會造業。 |