Traditionally, Tibetan Buddhism follows the Vinaya Sutra, which comes from the Hinayana tradition. In the system of Tibetan Buddhism, the level of ordination is determined by the number of vows. Someone is a fully ordained monk if they hold 253 vows, or a fully ordained nun if they hold 364 vows. (There is no longer any tradition for full ordination for women in the Tibetan tradition and so Tibetan Buddhist nuns are secondary to monks.)
The NKT ordination follows the tradition of ordination explained by Geshe Potowa and other Kadampa Geshes. According to this system, it is the level of renunciation that determines the level of ordination, not how many vows you hold. In NKT ordination, a monk or a nun becomes 'fully ordained' (Gelong or Bhikshu (monk), Gelongma or Bhikshuni (nun)) by holding the ten vows of ordination and having developed the realization of renunciation, that is, having developed the spontaneous wish for liberation such that it is ever-present in the mind, day and night.
傳統的西藏僧人依據毗奈耶受戒....比丘僧有253條戒... 比丘尼戒在西藏已經失傳,所以西藏的女性出家人地位總低於男性
“Throughout my life I will abandon killing, stealing, sexual activity, lying and taking intoxicants” “I will practise contentment, reduce my desire for worldly pleasures, abandon engaging in meaningless activities, maintain the commitments of refuge, and practise the three trainings of pure moral discipline, concentration and wisdom”
不僅比丘尼戒消失,西藏現在比丘戒也僅存形象... 許多出家戒條早已不合時宜...我們應該讚揚新嘎當派對於戒律的'實事求是'
[ 本帖最后由 narraboth 于 2011-8-16 16:35 编辑 ] |