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发表于 2007-8-15 14:55 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-8-19 11:19 | 显示全部楼层


<P>“不与取之事者,谓随一他所守持之物,意乐三中,想及烦恼如前。发起者,<FONT color=#000000>他虽未许,而欲令彼物离其原处也。</FONT>加行中之作者如前。加行体性者,以势劫暗盗,任何所作亦同。又或借债及受寄托,以余谄诳方便,不与而取。若为自为他,或为损恼彼等而故作者,皆成不与取业。究竟者,谓生得心。又若教他或劫或盗,彼生得心,即足成罪。譬如遣使杀他,随彼死时,自虽不知,使杀者即生根本罪也。”<BR>---《略论释》</P><P>一次问师父打麻将的事情,师父说,那个不好,如果还赌钱的话,则犯盗戒。又问了其它一些的赌博,答犯盗和妄语。后来仔细的对照了论著上的讲说,觉得是有一定道理的。赌博的种类很多,但有些是可以符合上面所说的。愿赌服输的可能不算吧,呵呵,愿意给了,但真的愿赌服输的不太多吧。</P><P>&nbsp;</P>
发表于 2007-8-25 14:52 | 显示全部楼层


<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG src="images/icon-quote.gif" border=0> <B>strength:</B><BR><P>人抽烟的味道最不好,不单外面的味道不好,就是身体里面的味道也不好,尤其是菩萨、善神护法,一发觉你有烟味,就不保护你了。你就是有多大的功德,他也不管你了!你就会遇到许多意外的事情。 </P><P>不要说别人,我们这儿有一个人偷着抽香烟,所以就遇到很危险的事情,这就是因抽香烟所引起的,不过他自己到现在还不知道。 </P><P>抽香烟的人死了以后,会下火焰地狱。火焰地狱专门给抽烟的人预备的,谁抽烟就有机会去。若是戒了烟,就和火焰地狱断往还;若不戒,将来就有份的。人不知道这个厉害,就乱来;你知道了就不会做了。抽烟这个问题比喝酒还厉害。 。。。。。。。。。。</P></BLOCKQUOTE><P>我觉得你说的不对,抽烟的时候应该还是有菩萨、善神护佑的;二、抽烟的人死后下火焰地狱,这种说法我不认可,见于那本佛经呢?</P><p>[此帖子已被 御风而行 在 2007-8-25 15:02:04 编辑过]
发表于 2007-8-27 12:10 | 显示全部楼层


This is a very hard topic. I know that Islam has a very clear cut rule saying that even building wealth by putting money in the bank is a sinful act. Christians have different views. There used to be 3 servants , each with a bag of gold given by their master.....At the end, the one who hid the gold underground was told off. Nevertheless, the ones who used the gold who run a business or loaned it out and earned interest were praised.....Not very sure in Buddaism. I once raise a question on share-investment to Khejok&nbsp; Rinpoche. It was almost 17 years ago but I could recall that Seefu said short-term investment was like gambling and long term investment was more encouraged (because firms and economy need funding to grow). I did not get the chance to clarify the questions ( ie the defn of a long term investment etc) as the meeting was already too late. Over the years , I have got more questions on this particular topic as the investment markets are becoming more complicated and went more internationally correlated.So far , I have my own guidelines which focus on the nature of the business rather than looking into the terms of investment. Firstly, I do not invest in business that run brothels or nightclubs because only pimps do that sort of things. Secondly, I do not invest in business that makes weapons or military defense as the Americans put it.I, however, do a lot of mine and steel because these business helps China to grow. Because I believe one has to be fed before one is taught with dignity and spirital teachings. These are just my own little guidelines,and I may be still wrong.<br>Perhaps, you guys should ask the questions when you see Rinpoche at HK. The people who run the HK centre are mostly Accounting/ Finanical professionals and they could ask the questions to Rinpoche better than me. Please leave the answers here to share as I am very eager to know the detailed answers.<br><br>
发表于 2007-8-27 12:30 | 显示全部楼层


I cannot type Chinese on this PC, sorry. I would like to type in Chinese, really. My article is not too hard to read, is it?<br>
发表于 2007-8-29 21:11 | 显示全部楼层


<P>This is a very hard topic. I know that Islam has a very clear cut rule saying that even building wealth by putting money in the bank is a sinful act. Christians have different views. There used to be 3 servants , each with a bag of gold given by their master.....</P><P>这是个棘手的话题,据我所知,以色列及有个严格的规定,即使靠存款获利也是有罪的行为。基督教有不同的观点,从前有三个仆人,他们各有一袋来自主人授予的金子,</P>
发表于 2007-8-30 09:42 | 显示全部楼层


NOT 以色列,而是“伊斯兰”<br>
发表于 2007-9-1 12:23 | 显示全部楼层


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