可以断定这个“朱亚仲”对梵文根本是大字不识一个,看到Max Müller的英译文,当成新鲜宝贝一样。唉……中国的佛学研究难道就只能把人家一百多年前炒过的冷饭当新鲜菜吃,别的啥也做不了?
नावरमात्रकेण शारिपुत्र कुशलमूलेन अमितायुषस्तथागतस्य बुद्धक्षेत्रे सत्त्वा उपपद्यन्ते।
关键在第一个词,avaramātra (第三格avaramātreṇa),这个词中的avara,含义是【低劣、有限、少】,avaramātra,【仅仅是低劣有限的】。avaramātreṇa kuśalamūlena,【仅仅靠低劣有限的善根】。整句话:【众有情仅仅靠低劣有限的善根,不能得得生无量寿如来的佛刹。】罗什翻【不可以少善根福德因缘得生彼国】,一点错都没有。
至于Max Müller为什么翻成【众生不因今世所做之善行而得生彼国(Beings are not born in that Buddha country of the Tathagata Amitayus as a reward and result of good works performed in this present life】?他在译注里说得很明白:
【Avaramatraka. This is the Pali oramattako, 'belonging merely to the present life,' and the intention of the writer seems to be to inculcate the doctrine, that salvation can be obtained by mere repetitions of the name of Amitabha, in direct opposition to the original doctrine of Buddha, that as a man soweth, so he reapeth. Buddha would have taught that the kusalamûla, the root or the stock of good works performed in this world (avaramatraka), will bear fruit in the next, while here 'vain repetitions' seem all that is enjoyed. The Chinese translators take a different view of this passage. But from the end of this section, where we read kulaputrena va kuladuhitra va tatra buddhakshetre kittapranidhanam kartavyam, it seems clear that the locative (buddhakshetre) forms the object of the pranidhana, the fervent prayer or longing. The Satpurushas already in the Buddhakshetra would be the innumerable men (manushyas) and Bodhisattvas mentioned before.]】
这是一开始故意把avara(低劣、有限、少)解释成【今生】。avara确有【今生】的意思,但仅是极少数的情况下用这种含义。可他为什么偏偏要这样去解释呢?很简单,稍有佛教学术史的人都知道,Max Müller翻译《阿弥陀经》和《无量寿经》时,是在南条文雄的帮助下翻译的。南条文雄是谁?净土真宗大谷派的僧侣嘛。于是通篇英译,充满了净土真宗绝对他力的色彩,再正常不过。这属于是世所共知的历史常识,原文作者可谓如聋如盲,沾沾自喜。
连Max Müller自己上文都说了:【the intention of the writer seems to be ...】看清楚了,seems to be。【似乎是】。然后,本文的作者就把【似乎是】的东西当成【肯定是】的。他的英文大概是体育老师教的。 |