<P>这很见到嘛!看下面:</P><P>A<BR>abbot’s residence 方丈室<BR>Abhidharma-kosa-sastra 俱舍论<BR>Abhidharma Pitika 论藏<BR>Abstract of Abhidharma-kosa-sastra 俱舍大要<BR>Abstract of the Deportment of Ten Shramanera Precepts 沙弥十戒威仪录要<BR>Agama Sutra 阿含经<BR>Altar 供坛<BR>Amitabha Sutra 阿弥陀经<BR>Anuttarayoga Tantra 无上瑜伽续<BR>Anuttara Yoga Yamantaka One Sage 无上瑜伽部独勇怖畏金刚<BR>Attachment to external objects 法我执<BR>attachment to inherently existent self 人我执<BR>Auspicious Vinaya Monastery 吉祥律院 </P><P>B<BR>Baizhang’s Pure Regulations 百丈清规<BR>Bde-ba-can Monastery 极乐寺<BR>Bhiksu's Daily Recitations 比丘日诵<BR>Bhiksu Precepts 比丘戒<BR>Bkah-gdam-pa 迦当派<BR>Bkra-shis seng-ge 吉祥狮子<BR>The mind of enlightenment (or Bodhicitta)菩提心<BR>Bo-dong phyags-rnam-rgyal 尊胜大师<BR>Buddha of Immeasurable Life无量寿佛<BR>Ullambana Sutra佛说盂兰盆经<BR>Buddhist Association 佛协<BR>Buddhist Institute 佛学院<BR>Logic 因明<BR>Buddhism Panorama 佛学概论<BR>Bu-Ston 布敦 <P>C<BR>Candrakirti’s view of the Middle Way 应成派中观见<BR>cause and the effect (说 the law of karma即可)<BR>Chaptor of Samantabhadra's Aspiration to Noble Deeds 普贤行愿品<BR>Chaptor of the Universal Gate of Avalokitesavara 普门品<BR>Chapter of the Universal Gate 普门品<BR>Chaptor of Zen Meditation 禅定品<BR>Chos-kgyi dpal-ba 法胜,或译法祥(人名)<BR>Chos-skyab bzan-bo 法依贤(人名)<BR>Outlines & Verses on the Graduated path of Sutra & Tantra菩提道显密修行次第科颂<BR>Cloud and Mist Monastery云雾寺<BR>The bridge of coolness清凉桥<BR>Commentary and Explanation of Abhidharma-kosa-sastra俱舍颂疏<BR>Commentary on the Bodhisattva Vow Section of Asanga’s Levels of Yogic Practice菩萨戒品释 <BR>A Commentary on the Twenty Verses the Mind-only School 唯识二十论述记<BR>Commentary on "the Middling Exposition of the Stages of the Path"菩提道略论释<BR>Commentary on the Path to enlightenment and the Bodhisattva Precepts菩提正道菩萨戒论<BR>Mind-only 唯识<BR>cymbals钹 <P>D<BR>Reliance 依止<BR>The method of relying 依止法<BR>Dependent Origination and the Emptiness of Nature 缘起性空<BR>Dharma Character 法相<BR>Dharma joy 法喜<BR>Dharmaraksita 法护<BR>Guru 法师<BR>Diamond Sutra 金刚经<BR>Tantric precepts密宗戒<BR>Discourse on the Theory of the Mind-only School成唯识论<BR>Dragon Flower Monastery(不对) 龙华寺<BR>Drepung Monastery 哲蚌寺<BR>Dunhuang 敦煌 <P>E<BR>Ksitigarbha Sutra 地藏经<BR>self grasping 我执<BR>Eight worldly concerns八风<BR>empowerment 灌顶<BR>Enlightenment Garden 觉园<BR>Entering the Practices of the Bodhisattvas 入菩萨行 <BR>the Tantra lineage密宗<BR>essence of the precepts 戒体<BR>negative karma 恶业<BR>Exhortation for New Bhiksus to Protect Precepts 教诫新学比丘行护律仪<BR>the sutra lineage显宗 <P>F<BR>Fifty Verses on Guru-devotion事师五十颂<BR>Five Big Treatises 五大论<BR>five main deities 五大金刚<BR>five desires 五欲<BR>five Skandhas 五蕴<BR>Five-Syllable Mantra五字真言<BR>Flower Adornment Sutra 华严经<BR>Four-armed Avalokitesvara 四臂观音<BR>Four Dhyana Heavens 四禅天<BR>fourfold assembly 四众<BR>Four Part Vinaya 四分律<BR>full set of precepts 具足戒<BR>Full and Unimpeded Hall 圆通殿<BR>Fundamental Three Studies 基本三学<BR>Fundamental Three Studies, Precepts, Concentration and Wisdom 戒,定,慧 基本三学 <P>G <BR>Ganden Monastery 嘎登寺<BR>Gelugpa Order 格鲁派<BR>General Commentary on Kalachakra 时轮金刚大疏<BR>Geshe格西<BR>the elder 老法师<BR>Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment 菩提道次第广论<BR>Grva-tshan 札仓<BR>Great Exposition of the Path of Secret Mantra 密宗道次第广论<BR>The Grand Prayer Hall 大雄宝殿<BR>Great Vehicle / Mahayana 大乘 <BR>Guhyasamaja密集<BR>Guru Yoga 上师瑜伽 <P>H<BR>blessing 摩顶加持<BR>Heavenly Jewels Monastery 天宝寺<BR>the Form Realm 色界天<BR>Homa 护摩<BR>Hayagriva 马头金刚 <P>I<BR>Indian Buddhist History 印度佛教史<BR>inherently existent self 自性我<BR>initiation 灌顶<BR>Initiations of the Action Tantra事密部灌顶<BR>Intimate Kindness Monastery近慈寺 <P>J<BR>Jambudvipa 南瞻部洲<BR>Jewel Light Monastery 宝光寺<BR>Jokhang Monastery of Lhasa 拉萨大昭寺<BR>Jomonang Monastery 觉摩曩寺(小昭寺) <P>K <P>Kalachakra 时轮金刚<BR>Kangsa 康萨<BR>Kanting 康定<BR>Karmacarya 羯磨师<BR>Karman 羯磨<BR>Khyung-po-lhas-pa 童福 (大师名)<BR>Kind Saint Temple 慈圣庵<BR>Kun-dga’ dpal 庆喜祥 <P>L<BR>Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment (Bodhipathapradipa) 菩提道灯论<BR>Lang Darma 朗达玛<BR>degeneration age末法<BR>lay practitioner 居士<BR>consecration开光<BR>lineage 传承<BR>Logic Treatise 因 明论<BR>Longevity Hall 延生堂<BR>Longevity Ritual of the Amitabha Buddha 阿弥陀佛长寿法<BR>Lucid Introduction to the One Hundred Dharmas 百法明门论 <P>M<BR>Maha-prajna-paramita-sutra 大般若经<BR>Mahayanabhidharma Samuccaya 大乘阿毗达磨集论<BR>Mahayana Treatise on the Five Skandhas 大乘五蕴论<BR>Manjusri's Five-syllable Mantra Manjusris 文殊五字真言<BR>Mantra recitation持咒法<BR>Mati Panchen Lama 末底班禅大师<BR>Lama chopa上师无上供养观行法<BR>visualization观想法<BR>Mkhas-grub-chos-rje 克主杰善祥<BR>Mmilarepa 米拉日巴<BR>Monastery of Clear Enlightenment 昭觉寺<BR>Monastery of Far-reaching Preachment 广化寺<BR>Monastery of Gold Mountain 金山寺<BR>Monastery of Kind Cloud 慈云寺<BR>Monastery of National Peace 国清寺<BR>monk robes 僧袍 <P>N<BR>Nalanda Monastery 那烂陀寺<BR>Namas Monastery 南无寺<BR>Nam-mkhah rgyal-mtshan 虚空幢(人名)<BR>Natang 那塘<BR>Avoid non-virtues, cultivate virtues诸恶莫作,众善奉行<BR>selflessness 无我 <P>O<BR>Offering Ritual of Incense Burning for Water and Land Beings 烧香水陆供法<BR>Lama chopa上师供<BR>On Conferring Bodhisattva Vinaya 菩萨戒本<BR>One Hundred Dharmas 百法<BR>Origin Reaching Monastery 会元寺<BR>Ornament of Clear Realization 现观庄严论<BR>Benefiting others 利他 <P>P<BR>parinirvana 圆寂<BR>patriarch 祖师<BR>executives执事<BR>Performance Tantra 行部<BR>the Personal Deity 本尊<BR>Phoenix Mountain Monastery 凤山寺<BR>Practice and the Recitation Ritual of the White Parasol 白伞盖修持念诵法<BR>Prajna Sutra 般若经<BR>pratimoksa 波罗提木叉<BR>Preceptor Blo-gsal-ba 慧明律师<BR>Preceptor Tshul-khrims 戒宝律师<BR>Precepts Attainment Master 得戒和尚<BR>precepts conferment services 传戒法会<BR>Prediction of the Buddha-hood 菩提印记<BR>Provisions for the Concentration and the Bodhi Path 定道资粮 <P>R<BR>Rendawa 惹达瓦童慧 (大师名)<BR>meditational retreat 闭关<BR>refuge 皈依<BR>Rgyal-tshab-rje 嘉曹盛宝<BR>Rinpoche 仁波切<BR>Sadhana of Dharani of Great Compassionate Heart 大悲心陀罗尼仪轨<BR>Sadhana for Longevity 长寿仪轨<BR>Sadhana of Combined Practice of Lama Tsong-kha-pa, Avalokitesvara, Manjusri, and Vajrapani宗大师,观音,文殊,大势至合修仪轨<BR>Rnam-rgyal 宝胜 (大师名)<BR>Round Illumination Monastery 圆照寺 <P>S<BR>Samantabhadra 普贤<BR>Samaya precept 三昧耶戒<BR>Samvara 胜乐<BR>sentient beings 有情<BR>White Tara 白度母<BR>six Paramitas 六度<BR>Six Shastras by Nagarjuna 龙树六论<BR>Six Ways to the Harmonious and Respectful Life 六合敬<BR>Skyor-molung Monastery 觉摩陇寺<BR>Southern Potaloka Monastery 南普陀寺<BR>water purification洒净<BR>Sramanera Precepts 沙弥戒<BR>Stages of the Path 道次第<BR>Steps of the Way to Bodhi 菩提道次第<BR>Stone Sutra Monastery 石经寺<BR>Streaming Spring Monastery 涌泉寺<BR>Study of Chaptor of Sariputra Abhidharma Meditation 舍利弗阿毗昙禅定品学记 <BR>Sumeru 须弥山<BR>summer meditation retreat 结夏安居<BR>Summary of the Great Vehicle 摄大乘论<BR>Sun and Moon Wheels日月二轮<BR>Supplement to (Nagarjuna’s) “Treatise on the Middle Way” 入中论<BR>renunciation出离心<BR>Sutra of Medicine Buddha 药师经<BR>Sutra Pitika 经藏 <P>T<BR>Kumbum monastery塔尔寺<BR>Teacher 教授师<BR>Ten Gates to the Oceanic Vinaya 律海十门<BR>Thirty Verses on Vijn~apti-matra Treatise 三十唯识<BR>Three lower realms 三恶道<BR>Three Jewels 三宝<BR>Three Masters and Seven Witnesses 三师七证<BR>Three Principal Aspects of the Path 三主要道<BR>Three Principal Aspects of the Path圣道三要<BR>Three Realms 三界<BR>Three Reliances 三皈依<BR>Trayastrimsa 忉利天<BR>Treatise on Discriminating the Middle and the Extremes 辨中边论<BR>Treatise on the Middle Way 中论<BR>Tripikita 三藏<BR>True Contemplation 如实观照<BR>True Dharma 正法<BR>Tsong-kha-pa 宗喀巴<BR>Tu****a 兜率天<BR>Twenty Verses on the Mind-only school二十唯识 <P>U<BR>Ullambana Service 盂兰盆法会<BR>Upasaka jBrom-ston-pa 仲敦巴居士<BR>puja 布萨<BR>tsog会供 <P>V<BR>Vajra Acarya 金刚阿阇黎<BR>Vaibhasika 有部<BR>vajra 杵<BR>Vajrayogini 金刚瑜伽母<BR>Vasubandhu's Commentary on the “Summary of the Great Vehicle” 摄大乘论世亲释<BR>Vasubandhu's Commentary on the Maha-yanasamgraha 摄大乘论世亲释<BR>Venerable Atisa 阿底峡尊者<BR>Vikramasila Monastery 超岩寺<BR>Vinaya Treatise 戒律论<BR>virtuous roots 善根<BR>virtuous teacher 善知识<BR>Voice of Merit and Wisdom 福智之声 <P>W<BR>Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss 西方极乐净土<BR>Wheel of Sharp Weapons 利器之轮<BR>White Tara 白度母<BR>libesentient beings 普度众生<BR>witness Acarya尊证师<BR>Wonderful Fruit Monastery妙果寺 <P>X<BR>Xiyuan Vinaya Monastery of Precepts 西园戒幢律寺 <P>Y<BR>Yamantaka Fire Puja for liberating consciousness大威德烧往生法<BR>Yamantaka 13 deities 大威德十三尊<BR>Ye-ces-rdo-rje 波季多杰<BR>Yellow Hats Order 黄帽派<BR>Yoga Tantra 瑜伽续 <P>缘起赞 The Praise of dependent arising<BR>生圆次第 the generation and completion stages<BR>Vinaya of Vaibhasika 有部律, 南传律<BR>"Tibetan Vinaya 藏传律学"<BR>Mirror of the Good Explanation Showing the Sources and Assertions of All Systems of Tenets 四宗要义<BR>Supplement to (Nagarjuna’s) “Treatise on the Middle Way” 入中论<BR>Discourse on the Theory of Consciousness-only (refer to 述记)<BR>三皈依观 <BR>Chaptor of Stabilizing Meditation and Clear Observation of ‘Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment’ 菩提道次第论-止观章<BR>Marpa玛尔巴<BR>Ganden School 甘丹派<BR>Drom-ston-pa 仲敦巴<BR>Upasaka Drom-ston-pa 仲敦巴居士<BR>Tu****a Heaven 兜率天<BR>The Path of the Lower Scope practitioners下士道<BR>Phabonkha 帕绷喀 <BR>The 4 opponent powers四力门<BR>The preliminaries加行<BR>the Lama曲巴 (the Guru Offering), 嘎登拉加 (the Guru Yoga)<BR>黄丹水 saffron water<BR>教证. the teachings and realizations of Dharma<BR>密续诸部 the (4)classes of tantra<BR>伽蓝Arama<BR>措勤寺 Dzogchen Monastery (?!)<BR>道次总纲 the outlines of the graduated path to enlightenment<BR>后藏 Tsang<BR>前藏 Central Tibet<BR>割截衣sliced clothes <P><P><BR><BR><!-- end --><P><BR><CENTER><A href="http://ad2.netsh.com/ad.html" target=_blank><IMG height=60 src="http://ad2.netsh.com/ad.gif" width=468 border=0></A><BR></CENTER><P><CENTER>本贴由<B>rong</B>于2002年11月19日14:26:19在<A href="http://www.netsh.com/" target=_blank>乐趣园</A>〖<A href="http://bj2.netsh.com/bbs/72608/" target=_blank>朗忍论坛</A>〗发表.</CENTER> |