There’s a specific question like abortion, I am in a way glad that I haven’t answer this question soon enough, because I hope the girl who is pregnant has decided to keep the baby. I think as the person is asking, once we know that it’s a being, and taking a life off that being is considered a negative action, so I will not suggest you go through the abortion, now this might raise an interesting question for some of you because, what I want to advise to the young people like this one . I will go very straight, if you really don't want to go through these kind consequence of abortions and all that, I would highly suggest you, of course not to have sex, of course not, but you should really use all kinds of available contraception so that you don't have to go though this abortion business.
有一個特別關於墮胎的問題,從某方面來說,我很高興自 己沒有及時回答她的問題,因為我希望這位懷孕的女孩已經決定留下她的孩子了。我認為,如同提問的人所說的,一旦我們瞭解到這也是一個生靈,而泯滅一個生靈的生命是一種惡行,因此,我會建議你不要去墮胎。這可能會引導到另外一個大家關注的問題。
如果说到贪欲,善恶,我们还在这个尘世间轮回就足够证明我们的罪孽深重,三毒俱全。任何行为,都只是五十步笑百步。 |