本帖最后由 學弘正法 于 2019-2-20 16:27 编辑
福智醜聞曝光-神秘的接班人(1) 第一批可以見金女的預科班或福僧,是被金女賜予一縷長髮-這真是有夠噁心的,以福僧是放在日記,天天思念,這算是那門子的出家人呀!真是恐怖啊!如證與如淨等僧團長老,就曾表示”金女真是有辦法(證量),可以讓這群”他們完全駕馭不來的預班生”,攝受成這樣的服服貼貼-這就福智僧團的福僧,被金女陣亡的最早記錄呀!
福智內幕大公開分享了 1 條連結。
福智醜聞曝光 - 神秘的接班人 - 第1部分:
在日常法師去世之前,關於中國大陸的一位“大師兄”的傳聞 低調神秘地在僧團裡展開。日常法師承許他,並且可能由他來當任接班人。但日常法師公開宣稱,他已經將接力棒傳給瞭如證法師,福智將繼續由僧團引導,所有重要決定都應由高層僧團委員會作出。公眾對“大師兄”一無所知。
其中一人偷偷地打開了另一位剛從中國回來的法師的日記 - 只是在他的日記裡發現了一縷長髮。
RE-其中一人[福僧]偷偷地打開了另一位剛從中國回來的法師的日記 - 只是在他的日記裡發現了一縷長髮。
@.....> 大多鳳山寺的福僧,在常師父往生的2004年10月到2005年之間,都是處在”極端猜測”中度過-
@...> 金女對第一批的預科班,使了甚麼法術呢? 為何他們見過金女後,都忽然變成非常開朗與積極呢? 當然金女或真的使了一點法術,然金女2004.11月,只要使一點女人的軟功就夠了.
以2004年11月,可以去見金女的第一批預科班的學僧,正值20歲上下(要服兵役的年齡) 看到這位大他們也不過10來歲的大姊姊或阿姨(1969年出生的金女在2004年,大約35歲) ,這樣真誠與溫暖的對他們鼓勵 (不像常師父那樣的嚴峻冷酷) ,這一批預科生,當然是特別的感激與雀躍不已-
為此 如證與如淨等僧團長老,就曾表示”金女真是有辦法(證量),可以讓這群”他們完全駕馭不來的預班生”,攝受成這樣的服服貼貼-這就福智僧團的福僧,被金女陣亡的最早記錄呀!這批預科生,現在大多被金女吸收成她的心腹-即共住或共睡的”橡可僧”,或願意幫金女作牛作馬的”馬可僧”啊!
福智內幕大公開 2001年淨明法師代常師見法王,並轉達法王指示僧團住持應採輪任制,常師照辦。上座中最後一個知道金的是淨明法師。
Monday, February 11, 2019
Bliss and Wisdom (GEBIS) Scandal Unfolding - The Secretive Successor - Part 1
Before Master Jih-Chang passed away, whispered talk in the monastery spoke of a “Big Brother” (大師兄) in Mainland China, whom the Master took a liking to and could be his successor. But all Master Chang declared publicly was that he had passed the baton on to the abbot Ru Zheng, that Bliss and Wisdom shall continue to rely on the sangha for guidance, and that all important decisions should be taken by the senior sangha committee. Nothing was said in public about “Big Brother”.
Amidst the grieving surrounding Master’s death, some monks began to notice mysterious happenings in the monastery. Some of the monks would disappear from Fengshan Monastery for a few months, and no one knew of their whereabouts. Maybe they’d gone to Yuanming Monastery? Maybe they’d gone to one of the overseas centers? When they returned to Fengshan Monastery, they looked unusually cheerful and positive, and would not divulge anything about where they had been or what they had done. This happened with enough regularity that all of the monks knew something strange was definitely going on.
Eventually, they gathered that those monks had been to China to see “Big Brother”. News began to spread that “Big Brother” was Master Jih-Chang’s successor. The monks were not told about his identity, but were told stories about his extraordinary compassion, wisdom and magical powers. He was supposedly an enlightened person whom Master Chang had selected to lead Bliss and Wisdom. They were told that he could not yet appear in public because they did not have enough good karma, and it was their duty to collect more good karma by serving the monastery diligently, and practicing guru devotion by praying to “Big Brother”. It was all too much to bear for those kept in the dark, and one of them sneakily opened the diary of another monk who had recently come back from China – only to discover a strand of long hair inside his diary. Could “Big Brother” be a woman, wondered the monk.