Nowadays, we can download many Gelupa books, essays etc etc from the internet ---FREE of Charge., except this particular 掌中解脱. I understand that someone owns the copyright and does not wish it to be downloaded and hence most gelupa sites had taken away the link for downloading. Well, I kinda respect the copyright issue BUT this is a master piece written by a Gelupa Master and it is closely related to us Gelupa students. Just why someone helds the copyright is beyond my understanding. Just look at all the Khejok Rinpoche books which TL wrote/edited , he put them on the BIA net free of charge and the books have since benefited lots and lots of suffering beings. So just why we have to put up with this particular copyright holder of 掌中解脱??
What is wrose is that I have found out this book is either out of print or out of stock and nobody could legally buy one nowadays, evenif you are willing to surrender and pay money for it!!
** I just happen to have found an e-book copy of the master piece but it is not in the 中文 正體 form. A master piece should be here to stay for thousands of years to shine the World so we should preserve an e-copy in 中文正體.** While most of you guys on this forum don't mind reading stuff in Simple form, our subsequent generations may not able to read it.
So anyone who has a link or copy of 正體 掌中解脱, please post it here.
For those who feel comfortable of reading in simple form, please raise a hand here. If the numbers are high, I will put it on a Share-site for download and I will release a password here . Otherwises, I just email to thoses who send me an email privately and I 'share it with friends' to avoid legal matters[ Preferred method]. I guess this, morally, also isn't a sin of stealing, is it? Afterall the book was written by a Gelupa master and we are all Gelupa students. We study the books and we all attain Enlightment in the future---- this is a Dharma Offering act for the copyright holder.
Thanks. My email: q14297@yahoo.com |
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