This is a very hard topic. I know that Islam has a very clear cut rule saying that even building wealth by putting money in the bank is a sinful act. Christians have different views. There used to be 3 servants , each with a bag of gold given by their master.....At the end, the one who hid the gold underground was told off. Nevertheless, the ones who used the gold who run a business or loaned it out and earned interest were praised.....Not very sure in Buddaism. I once raise a question on share-investment to Khejok Rinpoche. It was almost 17 years ago but I could recall that Seefu said short-term investment was like gambling and long term investment was more encouraged (because firms and economy need funding to grow). I did not get the chance to clarify the questions ( ie the defn of a long term investment etc) as the meeting was already too late. Over the years , I have got more questions on this particular topic as the investment markets are becoming more complicated and went more internationally correlated.So far , I have my own guidelines which focus on the nature of the business rather than looking into the terms of investment. Firstly, I do not invest in business that run brothels or nightclubs because only pimps do that sort of things. Secondly, I do not invest in business that makes weapons or military defense as the Americans put it.I, however, do a lot of mine and steel because these business helps China to grow. Because I believe one has to be fed before one is taught with dignity and spirital teachings. These are just my own little guidelines,and I may be still wrong.<br>Perhaps, you guys should ask the questions when you see Rinpoche at HK. The people who run the HK centre are mostly Accounting/ Finanical professionals and they could ask the questions to Rinpoche better than me. Please leave the answers here to share as I am very eager to know the detailed answers.<br><br> |