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发表于 2006-6-20 16:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<P>各位师兄:</P><P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 我看祈竹仁波切的著作《<SPAN lang=ZH-TW style="FONT-FAMILY: SimSun"><STRONG>度母修持广轨导修</STRONG></SPAN><SPAN lang=EN-US><STRONG>&nbsp;》里介绍:“</STRONG><FONT face=宋体>这个仪轨是依据传统仪轨、取出其重要章节而编成的。它类同向度母祈请加持的性质,并不涉及密法,所以若无灌顶、口传亦可以修诵。这个赞文有藏文、汉文及英文多种译本,我们诵任何语言版本均可。”“ 文中一共有二十一偈,每一偈赞一位度母。在念每一偈时,我们想着至心依止该尊度母即可。”“<SPAN lang=ZH-TW style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: SimSun">  这个仪轨是衲采众多不同传承仪轨的精华段落而合成的。它是一种祈请度母加持的形式,并无自化本尊之观想,所以无传承者亦可修诵。”</SPAN></FONT></SPAN></P><P><SPAN lang=EN-US><FONT face=宋体><SPAN lang=ZH-TW style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: SimSun">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 我又找了几个网站的图片,发现在佛教社区联盟这里有关的图片和其他译本。其中香光居士的帖子是二十一度母(21 Taras)<BR><BR>"度母"取义救度无量众生,急切有力。凡能忆念度母名号者,必得诸佛大加持力,能从种种的灾难恐惧中解脱,免除三有的痛苦,因度母之愿力,当世间越浊劣,则其救度之力越快速,摧灭魔军之力越强。度母是集诸佛菩萨事业、功德之本尊,在西藏及尼泊尔地区,累世以来有许多大修行者均修习此法得到共与不共的成就。<BR><BR>二十一度母为观世音菩萨之化身,以绿度母为总持。其余为:<BR>NO.001 救灾难度母(Tara-Who Averts Disasters &amp; Enhances Harmony) 白色,左手持莲花<BR>NO.002 救地灾度母(Tara-Who Averts Earth-Born Calamities)蓝色,左手持莲花(上立有金刚杵)<BR>NO.003 宝源度母(Tara-Who Bestows Prosperity &amp; Protects against Famine)黄色,左手持莲花(上有装满珍宝的宝瓶)<BR>NO.004 如意度母(The Wish-Fulfilling Tara)绿色,左手持莲花(上有吉祥结)<BR>NO.005 长寿度母(Tara-Who Bestows Longevity &amp; Protects Against Untimely Death)白色,左手持莲花(上有宝瓶)<BR>NO.006 救毒难度母(Tara-Who Averts the Evil Effects of Poison)白色,左手持莲花(上有净瓶)<BR>NO.007 救火灾度母(Tara-Who Averts Destruction Wrought by Fire)黄色,左手持莲花(上有白琉璃珠)<BR>NO.008 救水灾度母(Tara-Who Averts Destruction Wrought by Water)红色,左手持莲花(上有吐火摩尼宝)<BR>NO.009 救兽难度母(Tara-Who Averts Evil Caused by Wild Beasts)黑色,左手持莲花(上有火焰)<BR>NO.010 救畜难度母(Tara-Who Protects Against Wild Elephants &amp; Averts Evil Affecting Cattle)棕色,左手持莲花(上有金刚剑)<BR>NO.011 救魔难度母(Tara-Who Averts Evil Caused by Demons &amp; Protects Against Carnivores)黑色,左手持莲花(上有金刚橛)<BR>NO.012 增威权度母(Tara-Who Increases Power)红色,右手持莲花(上有金刚钩),左手持莲花(上有索套)<BR>NO.013 增福慧度母(Tara-Who Increases Wisdom)黄色,右手当胸持摩尼宝,左手顶端有金刚钩的梃杖,<BR>NO.014 救狱灾度母(Tara-Who Averts Hell-born Calamities &amp; Protects Against Politics)红色,左手持莲花(上有金刚钩)<BR>NO.015 救风灾度母(Tara-Who Averts Destruction Caused by Wind)白色,左手持莲花(上有法轮)<BR>NO.016 救盗难度母(Tara-Who Averts Evil Caused by Robbers)黑色,左手持莲花(上有斧)<BR>NO.017 救兵灾度母(Tara-Who Averts Destruction Caused by Armies)青色,左手持莲花(上有金刚剑)<BR>NO.018 救天灾度母(Tara-Who Averts Heaven-born Calamities &amp; Enhances Indestructibility)绿色,左手持莲花(上有十字金刚杵)<BR>NO.019 伏魔度母(Tara-Who Subdues Demons &amp; Protects Against War)黑色,双手当胸捧三面普巴金刚橛<BR>NO.020 药王度母(Tara-Who Heals Sickness)绿色,左手持莲花(诃梨勒果Haritaki</SPAN></FONT></SPAN></P><P><SPAN lang=EN-US><FONT face=宋体><SPAN lang=ZH-TW style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: SimSun">邬金宁玛的帖子是:</SPAN></FONT></SPAN></P><SPAN lang=EN-US><FONT face=宋体><SPAN lang=ZH-TW style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: SimSun"><P><FONT face="MS Shell Dlg,Tahoma,sans-serif,宋体">OM JE-TS&Uuml;N-MA PAG-MA DR&Ouml;L-MA-LA CHAG-TSEL-LO <BR>唵 敬禮尊聖救度母<BR>OM Homage to the Venerable Arya Tara <BR><BR>敬禮達熱奮迅母 都達熱者除怖畏 <BR>都熱救度施諸利 梭哈字乃躬禮尊<BR><BR><BR><BR><A title=开新窗口浏览图片 href="http://tinypic.com/hs9m41.jpg" target=_blank>&lt;IMG src="http://tinypic.com/hs9m41.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0></A><BR><BR>1 CHAG-TSEL DR&Ouml;L-MA NYUR-MA PAA-MO <BR>禮敬度母奮迅母<BR>Homage to you, Tara, the swift heroine, <BR>CH&Auml;N-NI K&Auml;-CHIG LOG-DANG DRA-MA <BR>目如剎那電光照<BR>Whose eyes are like an instant flash of lightning, <BR>JIG-TEN SUM-G&Ouml;N CHU-KYE SH&Auml;L-GYI <BR>三世界尊蓮華中<BR>Whose water-born face arises from the blooming lotus <BR>GEY-SAR JE-WA L&Auml;-NI JUNG-MA <BR>花蕊綻放現端嚴<BR>Of Avalokiteshvara: protector of the three worlds</FONT><FONT face="MS Shell Dlg,Tahoma,sans-serif,宋体">.</FONT></P><P><IMG src="http://tinypic.com/hs9oau.jpg"></P><P>2 CHAG-TSEL T&Ouml;N-K&Auml;I DA-WA K&Uuml;N-TU <BR>禮敬百秋朗月母<BR>Homage to you, Tara, whose face is like <BR>GANG-WA GYA-NI TSEG-PAI SH&Auml;L-MA <BR>普遍圓滿疊輝面<BR>One hundred full autumn moons gathered together, <BR>KAR-MA TONG-TRAG TSOG-PA NAM-KYI <BR>如千星宿俱聚集<BR>Blazing with the expanding light <BR>RAB-TU CHE-WAI &Ouml;-RAB BAR-MA <BR>燦然閃爍更明耀<BR>Of a thousand stars assembled. </P><P><A title=开新窗口浏览图片 href="http://tinypic.com/hs9opx.jpg" target=_blank>&lt;IMG src="http://tinypic.com/hs9opx.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0></A><BR><BR>3 CHAG-TSEL SER-NGO CHU-N&Auml; KYE-KYI <BR>禮敬水生青蓮母<BR>Homage to you, Tara, born from a golden-blue lotus, <BR>P&Auml;-ME CHAG-NI NAM-PAR GY&Auml;N-MA <BR>妙手持蓮相庄嚴<BR>Whose hands are beautifully adorned with lotus flowers, <BR>JIN-PA TSON-DR&Uuml; KAA-TUB ZHI-MA <BR>布施精進息苦行<BR>You who are the embodiment of giving, joyous effort, asceticism, <BR>Z&Ouml;-PA SAM-T&Auml;N CH&Ouml;-YUL NYI-MA <BR>忍辱禪定所行境<BR>Pacification, patience, concentration and all objects of practice.</P><P><A title=开新窗口浏览图片 href="http://tinypic.com/hs9p8p.jpg" target=_blank>&lt;IMG src="http://tinypic.com/hs9p8p.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0></A><BR><BR>4 CHAG-TSEL DE-ZHIN SHEG-PAI TSUG-TOR <BR>禮敬如來頂髻母<BR>Homage to you, Tara, the crown pinnacle of those thus gone, <BR>TAA-Y&Auml; NAM-PAR GYEL-WAR CH&Ouml;-MA <BR>無邊尊胜行持母<BR>Whose deeds overcome infinite evils, <BR>MA-L&Uuml; PA-R&Ouml;L CHIN-PA TOB-PAI <BR>無余彼岸悉已達<BR>Who have attained transcendent perfections without exception, <BR>GYEL-WAI S&Auml;-KYI SHIN-TU TEN-MA <BR>佛子盡悉極親炙<BR>And upon whom the sons of the Victorious Ones rely. <BR><BR><BR><A title=开新窗口浏览图片 href="http://tinypic.com/hs9quq.jpg" target=_blank>&lt;IMG src="http://tinypic.com/hs9quq.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0></A><BR><BR>5 CHAG-TSEL T&Uuml;T-TAA-RA HUM YIG-GE <BR>禮敬都達熱作吽字<BR>Homage to you, Tara, who with the letters TUTTARA HUM <BR>D&Ouml;-DANG CHOG-DANG NAM-KAA GANG-MA <BR>摯愛方所滿虛空<BR>Fill the (realms of) desire, direction and space, <BR>JIG-TEN D&Uuml;N-PO ZHAB-KYI N&Auml;N-TE <BR>運足遍履七世界<BR>Whose feet trample on the seven worlds <BR>L&Uuml;-PA ME-PAR GUG-PAR N&Uuml;-MA <BR>悉能鉤攝盡無余<BR>And who are able to draw all the beings to you.</P><P><FONT face="MS Shell Dlg,Tahoma,sans-serif,宋体"><A title=开新窗口浏览图片 href="http://tinypic.com/hs9rlw.jpg" target=_blank>&lt;IMG src="http://tinypic.com/hs9rlw.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0></A><BR><BR>6 CHAG-TSEL GYA-JIN ME-LHA TSANG-PA <BR>禮敬自在供養母<BR>Homage to you, Tara, venerated by Indra, Agni, <BR>LUNG-LHA NA-TSOG WONG-CHUG CH&Ouml;-MA <BR>供諸釋火梵風神<BR>Brahma, Vayu and Ishvara, <BR>JUNG-PO RO-LANG DRI-ZA NAM-DANG <BR>部多起尸尋香等<BR>Praised by the assembly of spirits, raised corpses, <BR>N&Ouml;-JIN TSOG-KYI D&Uuml;N-N&Auml; T&Ouml;-MA <BR>諸藥叉眾所贊嘆<BR>Ghandarvas and all yakshas<BR><BR><A title=开新窗口浏览图片 href="http://tinypic.com/hs9s1t.jpg" target=_blank>&lt;IMG src="http://tinypic.com/hs9s1t.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0></A><BR><BR>7 CHAG-TSEL TR&Auml;-CHE JA-DANG PE-KYI <BR>禮敬名遮作啪母<BR>Homage to you, Tara, whose TRAD and PHAT <BR>PA-R&Ouml;L TR&Uuml;L-KOR RAB-TU JOM-MA <BR>於彼施惡極摧坏<BR>Destroy entirely the magical wheels of others. <BR>Y&Auml;-KUM Y&Ouml;N-KYANG ZHAB-KYI N&Auml;N-TE <BR>展右卷左作足蹋<BR>With your right leg bent and left outstretched and pressing, <BR>ME-BAR TRAG-PA SHIN-TU BAR-MA <BR>焰光熾盛極明耀<BR>You burn intensely within a whirl of fire.</FONT></P><P><FONT face="MS Shell Dlg,Tahoma,sans-serif,宋体"><A title=开新窗口浏览图片 href="http://tinypic.com/hs9sll.jpg" target=_blank>&lt;IMG src="http://tinypic.com/hs9sll.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0></A><BR><BR>8 CHAG-TSEL TU-RE JIG-PA CHEN-PO <BR>禮敬都咧大怖母<BR>Homage to you, Tara, the great fearful one, <BR>D&Uuml;-KYI PAA-WO NAM-PAR JOM-MA <BR>凶猛魔父咸摧毀<BR>Whose letter TURE destroys the mighty demons completely, <BR>CHU-KYE SHEL-NI TRO-NYER D&Auml;N-DZ&Auml; <BR>妙蓮華面蹙顰眉<BR>Who with a wrathful expression on your water-born face <BR>DRA-WO TAM-CH&Auml; MA-L&Uuml; S&Ouml;-MA <BR>一切怨敵無余摧<BR>Slay all enemies without an exception. <BR><BR><A title=开新窗口浏览图片 href="http://tinypic.com/hs9uld.jpg" target=_blank>&lt;IMG src="http://tinypic.com/hs9uld.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0></A><BR><BR>9 CHAG-TSEL KON-CHOG SUM-TS&Ouml;N CHAG-GYAI <BR>禮敬三寶志印母<BR>Homage to you, Tara, whose fingers adorn your heart <BR>SOR-M&Ouml; TUG-KAR NAM-PAR GY&Auml;N-MA <BR>手指當心相端嚴<BR>With a gesture of the Sublime Precious Three, <BR>MA-L&Uuml; CHOG-KYI KOR-L&Ouml; GY&Auml;N-PAI <BR>無余方輪為嚴飾<BR>Adorned with a wheel striking all directions without exception <BR>RANG-GI &Ouml;-KYI TSOG-NAM TRUG-MA <BR>自身光聚極熾盛<BR>With the totality of your own rays of light.</FONT></P><P><A title=开新窗口浏览图片 href="http://tinypic.com/hs9v0w.jpg" target=_blank>&lt;IMG src="http://tinypic.com/hs9v0w.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0></A><BR><BR>10 CHAG-TSEL RAB-TU GAA-WA JI-PAI <BR>禮敬歡悅威德母<BR>Homage to you, Tara, whose radiant crown ornament, <BR>U-GY&Auml;N &Ouml;-KYI TRENG-WA PEL-MA <BR>頂嚴光鬘更迭飾<BR>Joyful and magnificent, extends a garland of light, <BR>ZH&Auml;-PA RAB-ZH&Auml; T&Uuml;T-TAA-RA-YI <BR>展顏喜笑都達熱<BR>And who, by your laughter of TUTTARA, <BR>D&Uuml;-DANG JIG-TEN WONG-DU DZE-MA <BR>世間魔類悉攝伏<BR>Conquer the demons and all of the worlds. </P><P><IMG src="http://tinypic.com/hs9xjk.jpg"></P><P>11 CHAG-TSEL SA-ZHI KYONG-WAI TSOG-NAM <BR>禮敬守護大地母<BR>Homage to you, Tara, who are able to invoke <BR>TAM-CH&Auml; GUK-PAR N&Uuml;-MA NYI-MA <BR>悉能鉤召諸地祗<BR>The entire assembly of local protectors, <BR>TRO-NYER Y&Ouml;-WAI YI-GE HUM-GI <BR>顰眉撼動字母吽<BR>Whose wrathful expression fiercely shakes, <BR>PONG-PA TAM-CH&Auml; NAM-PAR DR&Ouml;L-MA <BR>一切貧困悉渡脫<BR>Rescuing the impoverished through the letter HUM.</P><P><A title=开新窗口浏览图片 href="http://tinypic.com/hs9y6a.jpg" target=_blank>&lt;IMG src="http://tinypic.com/hs9y6a.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0></A><BR><BR>12 CHAG-TSEL DA-WAI DUM-BU U-GY&Auml;N <BR>禮敬頂嚴冠月母<BR>Homage to you, Tara, whose crown is adorned <BR>GY&Auml;N-PA TAM-CHAY SHING-TU BAR-MA <BR>諸飾現胜妙嚴光<BR>With the crescent moon, wearing ornaments exceedingly bright; <BR>R&Auml;L-PAI TR&Ouml;-NA &Ouml;-PAG ME-L&Auml; <BR>阿彌陀佛髻中現<BR>From your hair knot the Buddha Amitabha <BR>DAK-PAR SHIN-TU &Ouml;-RAB DZE-MA <BR>常放眾妙寶光明<BR>Radiates eternally with great beams of light. <BR><BR><A title=开新窗口浏览图片 href="http://tinypic.com/hs9yfk.jpg" target=_blank>&lt;IMG src="http://tinypic.com/hs9yfk.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0></A><BR><BR>13 CHAG-TSEL K&Auml;L-PAI TA-MAI ME-TAR <BR>禮敬如盡劫火母<BR>Homage to you, Tara, who dwell within a blazing garland <BR>BAR-WAI TRENG-WAI &Uuml;-NA N&Auml;-MA <BR>安住熾盛火鬘中<BR>That resembles the fire at the end of this world age; <BR>Y&Auml;-KYANG Y&Ouml;N-KUM K&Uuml;N-N&Auml; KOR-GAI <BR>展右卷左普歡愉<BR>Surrounded by joy, you sit with right leg extended <BR>DRA-YI PUNG-NI NAM-PAR JOM-MA <BR>善能摧毀怨敵軍<BR>And left withdrawn, completely destroying all the masses of enemies.</P><P><A title=开新窗口浏览图片 href="http://tinypic.com/hs9yr4.jpg" target=_blank>&lt;IMG src="http://tinypic.com/hs9yr4.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0></A><BR><BR>14 CHAG-TSEL SA-ZHI NG&Ouml;-LA CHAG-GI <BR>禮敬手按大地母<BR>Homage to you, Tara, with hand on the ground by your side, <BR>TIL-GYI N&Uuml;N-CHING ZHAB-KYI DUNG-MA <BR>以足踐蹋作鎮壓<BR>Pressing your heel and stamping your foot on the earth; <BR>TRO-NYER CH&Auml;N-DZ&Auml; YI-GE HUM-GI <BR>現顰眉相以吽字<BR>With a wrathful glance from your eyes you subdue <BR>RIM-PA DUN-PO NAM-NI GEM-MA <BR>七重地府咸摧伏<BR>All seven levels through the syllable HUM. <BR><BR><A title=开新窗口浏览图片 href="http://tinypic.com/hsiys1.jpg" target=_blank>&lt;IMG src="http://tinypic.com/hsiys1.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0></A><BR><BR>15 CHAG-TSEL DE-MA GE-MA SHI-MA <BR>禮敬樂善寂靜母<BR>Homage to you, Tara, O happy, virtuous and peaceful one, <BR>NYA-NG&Auml;N D&Auml;-ZHI CH&Ouml;-Y&Uuml;L NYI-MA <BR>涅槃寂滅所行境<BR>The very object of practice, passed beyond sorrow. <BR>SO-HA OM-DANG YANG-DAG D&Auml;N-P&Auml; <BR>梭哈嗡等極清淨<BR>You are the perfectly endowed with SOHA and OM, <BR>DIG-PA CHEN-PO JOM-PA NYI-MA <BR>善能摧毀怨敵軍<BR>Overcoming completely all the great evils.</P><P><A title=开新窗口浏览图片 href="http://tinypic.com/hsiz9j.jpg" target=_blank>&lt;IMG src="http://tinypic.com/hsiz9j.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0></A><BR><BR>16 CHAG-TSEL K&Uuml;N-N&Auml; KOR-RAB GAA-WAI <BR>禮敬普出極喜母<BR>Homage to you, Tara, surrounded by the joyous ones, <BR>DRA-YI L&Uuml;-NI NAM-PAR GEM-MA <BR>徹底摧毀敵之軀<BR>You completely subdue the bodies of all enemies; <BR>YIG-GE CHU-PAI NGAG-NI K&Ouml;-PAI <BR>十字咒句妙嚴飾<BR>Your speech is adorned with the ten syllables <BR>RIG-PA HUM-L&Auml; DR&Ouml;L-MA NYI-MA <BR>明咒吽化度母身<BR>And you rescue all through the knowledge-letter HUM. <BR><BR><A title=开新窗口浏览图片 href="http://tinypic.com/hsizuw.jpg" target=_blank>&lt;IMG src="http://tinypic.com/hsizuw.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0></A><BR><BR>17 CHAG-TSEL TU-RE ZHAB-NI DAB-P&Auml; <BR>禮敬都咧足躡母<BR>Homage to you, Tara, stamping your feet and proclaiming TURE, <BR>HUM-GI NAM-PAI SA-BON NYI-MA <BR>吽之相勢為种字<BR>Your seed-syllable itself in the aspect of HUM <BR>RI-RAB MAN-DA RA-DANG BIG-JE <BR>須彌曼陀及賓陀<BR>Cause Meru, Mandhara and Vindhya mountains <BR>JIG-TEN SUM-NAM YO-WA NYI-MA <BR>三世間悉能撼搖<BR>And all the three worlds to tremble and shake</P><P><A title=开新窗口浏览图片 href="http://tinypic.com/hsj0aw.jpg" target=_blank>&lt;IMG src="http://tinypic.com/hsj0aw.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0></A><BR><BR>18 CHAG-TSEL LHA-YI TSO-YI NAM-PAI <BR>禮敬天海相勢母<BR>Homage to you, Tara, who hold in your hand <BR>RI-DAG TAG-CH&Auml;N CHAG-NA NAM-MA <BR>手中執持神獸志<BR>The hare-marked moon like the celestial ocean; <BR>TARA NYI-J&Ouml; P&Auml;-KYI YI-GE <BR>達熱誦二以啪字<BR>By uttering TARA twice and the letter PHAT <BR>DUG-NAM MA-LU PA-NI SEL-MA <BR>諸毒無余悉淨除<BR>You dispel all poisons without exception. <BR><BR><A title=开新窗口浏览图片 href="http://tinypic.com/hsj21w.jpg" target=_blank>&lt;IMG src="http://tinypic.com/hsj21w.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0></A><BR><BR>19 CHAG-TSEL LHA-YI TSOG-NAM GY&Auml;L-PO <BR>禮敬諸天眾王母<BR>Homage to you, Tara, upon whom the kings of the assembled gods, <BR>LHA-DANG MI-AM CHI-YI TEN-MA <BR>天人非人咸依止<BR>The gods themselves and all probable-humans rely; <BR>K&Uuml;N-N&Auml; GO-CHA GAA-WA JI-GYI <BR>普出歡悅威德鎧<BR>Whose magnificent armour gives joy to all, <BR>TS&Ouml;-DANG MI-LAM NG&Auml;N-PA SEL-MA <BR>消弭爭斗与惡夢<BR>You who dispel all disputes and bad dreams.</P><P><FONT face="MS Shell Dlg,Tahoma,sans-serif,宋体"><A title=开新窗口浏览图片 href="http://tinypic.com/hsj2bb.jpg" target=_blank>&lt;IMG src="http://tinypic.com/hsj2bb.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0></A><BR><BR>20 CHAG-TSEL NYI-MA DA-WA GY&Auml;-PAI <BR>禮敬日月廣圓母<BR>Homage to you, Tara, whose two-eyes - the sun and the moon - <BR>CH&Auml;N-NYI PO-LA &Ouml;-RAB S&Auml;L-MA <BR>雙目炯然極明澈<BR>Radiate an excellent, illuminating light; <BR>HARA NYI-J&Ouml; T&Uuml;T-TAA-RA-YI <BR>哈繞誦二都達熱<BR>By uttering HARA twice and TUTTARA <BR>ZHIN-TU DRAG-POI RIM-N&Auml; SEL-MA <BR>善除凶猛瘟疫病<BR>You dispel all violent epidemic diseases. <BR><BR><A title=开新窗口浏览图片 href="http://tinypic.com/hsj2vn.jpg" target=_blank>&lt;IMG src="http://tinypic.com/hsj2vn.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0></A><BR><BR>21 CHAG-TSEL DE-NYI SUM-NAM K&Ouml;-P&Auml; <BR>禮敬三諦庄嚴母<BR>Homage to you, Tara, adorned by the three suchnesses, <BR>ZHI-WAI TU-DANG YANG-DAG D&Auml;N-MA <BR>如實具足寂靜力<BR>Perfectly endowed with the power of serenity, <BR>D&Ouml;N-DANG RO-LANG N&Ouml;-JIN TSOG-NAM <BR>邪魔起尸藥叉眾<BR>You who destroy the host of evil spirits, raised corpses and yakshas <BR>JOM-PA TU-RE RAB-CHOG NYI-MA <BR>都熱最胜悉滅除<BR>O TURE, most excellent and sublime!</FONT></P><P><FONT face="MS Shell Dlg,Tahoma,sans-serif,宋体">TSA-WAI NGAG-KYI T&Ouml;-PA DI-DANG <BR>此乃贊頌根本咒<BR>Thus concludes this praise of the root mantra <BR>CHAG-TSEL WA-NI NYI-SHU TSA-CHIG <BR>禮敬文共二十一<BR>And the offering of the twenty-one homages. <BR><BR><BR>功德利益 BENEFITS OF RECITATION <BR><BR>1 LHA-MO LA-G&Uuml; YANG-DAG D&Auml;N-PAI <BR>於尊淨信禮敬者<BR>Those endowed with perfect and pure respect for the Goddesses - <BR>LO-D&Auml;N GANG-GI RAB-D&Auml; J&Ouml;-DE <BR>任誰至心而贊頌<BR>The intelligent who recite these praises with the most supreme faith <BR>S&Ouml;-DANG TO-RANG LANG-PAR J&Auml;-N&Auml; <BR>晨起禮贊夕复誦<BR>Both in the evening and upon waking at dawn - <BR>DR&Auml;N-P&Auml; MI-JIG TAM-CH&Auml; RAB-TER <BR>憶念諸胜施無畏<BR>Will have fearlessness bestowed on them by this remembrance. <BR><BR>2 DIG-PA TAM-CH&Auml; RAB-TU ZHI-WA <BR>所有罪業悉滅除<BR>After being purified of all evils completely <BR>NG&Auml;N-DRO TAM-CH&Auml; JOM-PA NYI-TO <BR>凡諸惡趣盡摧毀<BR>They will attain the destruction of all lower realms,<BR>GYEL-WA JE-WA TRAK-D&Uuml;N NAM-KYI <BR>七俱胝等一切佛<BR>And the seven million conquering Buddhas <BR>NYUR-DU WONG-NI KUR-WAR GYUR-LA <BR>迅速給予胜灌頂<BR>Will quickly grant them every empowerment. <BR><BR>3 DI-L&Auml; CHE-WA NYI-NI TOB-CHING <BR>此生來世益增胜 <BR>Thus they will attain greatness and go forth <BR>SANG-GY&Auml; GO-PANG TAR-TUK DER-DRO <BR>究竟趨於正覺果<BR>To the ultimate state of supreme buddhahood. <BR>DE-YI DUG-NI DRAG-PO CHEN-PO <BR>彼或中毒極嚴重<BR>As a result of all violent poisons - <BR>T&Auml;N-N&Auml; PA-AM ZH&Auml;N-YANG DRO-WA <BR>無論痼疾或他因<BR>Whether abiding within or spreading to others – <BR><BR>4 Z&Ouml;-PA DANG-NI TUNG-PA NYI-KANG <BR>或因誤食或誤飲<BR>That they have eaten or drunk, <BR><BR>DR&Auml;N-P&Auml; RAB-TU SEL-WA NYI-TOB <BR>憶念尊等即解毒<BR>By this remembrance will be completely removed, <BR>D&Ouml;N-DANG RIM-DANG DUG-GI ZIR-WAI <BR>或遭邪魔疫歷擾<BR>And they will eliminate completely affliction by spirits, <BR>DUG-NG&Auml;L TSOG-NI NAM-PAR PONG-TE <BR>彼諸苦惱悉蠲除<BR>Epidemics, poisons and all various sufferings. <BR><BR>5 SEM-CH&Auml;N ZH&Auml;N-PA NAM-LA YANG-NGO <BR>有情他眾亦如是<BR>If for oneself or for the sake of all others, <BR>NYI-SUM D&Uuml;N-DU NG&Ouml;N-PAR J&Ouml;-NA <BR>若誦此贊二三七<BR>These praises are read two, three or seven times sincerely, <BR>BU-D&Ouml; P&Auml;-NI BU-TOB GYUR-CHING <BR>欲乞儿女得儿女<BR>Those wishing a son will attain a son <BR>NOR-D&Ouml; P&Auml;-NI NOR-NAM NYI-TOB <BR>欲求財寶財丰饒<BR>And those wishing wealth will attain this as well. <BR><BR>6 D&Ouml;-PA TAM-CH&Auml; TOB-PAR GYUR-TE <BR>一切所欲悉滿愿<BR>Without obstruction all their wishes will be granted <BR>GEG-NAM ME-CHING SO-SOR JOM-GYUR-CHIG <BR>一切障礙不能侵<BR>And every single hindrance will be destroyed as it arises.</FONT></P><P><FONT face="MS Shell Dlg"></FONT>&nbsp;</P><P><FONT face="MS Shell Dlg">还有一种版本:<A target=_blank href="http://www.cbfn.org/showthread.php?...;threadid=31869" target=_blank><FONT color=#233214>http://www.cbfn.org/showthread.php?...;threadid=31869</FONT></A></FONT></P><P><FONT face="MS Shell Dlg">包括中英藏文的</FONT></P><P><FONT face="MS Shell Dlg,Tahoma,sans-serif,宋体"><FONT size=4><B><FONT color=red>聖救度佛母二十一种禮贊經</FONT></B></FONT><BR><BR><BR>那摩阿雅多羅耶<BR>敬禮聖大悲藏觀自在菩薩<BR><BR>祈請 INVOCATION<BR>PO-TA LA-YI N&Auml;-CHOG-N&Auml; <BR>普陀淨土聖境中<BR>From your sublime abode at the Potala,<BR>TAM-YIG JANG-KU L&Auml;-TRUNG-SHING <BR>綠『當』化現出生者<BR>O Tara - born from the green letter TAM <BR>TAM-YIG &Ouml;-KYI DRO-WA-DR&Ouml;L <BR>『當』光救度諸眾生<BR>Whose light rescues all beings - <BR>DR&Ouml;L-MA KOR-CH&Auml; SHEG-SU-S&Ouml;L <BR>度母与眷請降臨<BR>Come with your retinue, I beg you. <BR><BR>顶礼 PROSTRATION <BR>LHA-DANG LHA-MIN CH&Ouml;-P&Auml;N-GYI <BR>諸天非天頂髻嚴<BR>The gods and the demi-gods bow their crowns <BR>ZHAB-KYI P&Auml;-MO LA-D&Uuml;-N&Auml; <BR>恭敬跪捧兩足蓮<BR>To your lotus feet, O Tara, <BR><BR>PONG-PA K&Uuml;N-L&Auml; DR&Ouml;L-DZ&Auml;-MA <BR>度諸窮苦中之母<BR>You who rescue all who are destitute. <BR>DR&Ouml;L-MA YUM-LA CHAG-TSEL-LO <BR>致禮救度佛母前<BR>To you, Mother Tara, I pay homage. <BR><BR><BR>OM JE-TS&Uuml;N-MA PAG-MA DR&Ouml;L-MA-LA CHAG-TSEL-LO <BR>唵 敬禮尊聖救度母<BR>OM Homage to the Venerable Arya Tara <BR><BR>敬禮達熱奮迅母 都達熱者除怖畏 <BR>都熱救度施諸利 梭哈字乃躬禮尊【綠色】<BR><BR>1 CHAG-TSEL DR&Ouml;L-MA NYUR-MA PAA-MO <BR>禮敬度母奮迅母【赤色】<BR>Homage to you, Tara, the swift heroine, <BR>CH&Auml;N-NI K&Auml;-CHIG LOG-DANG DRA-MA <BR>目如剎那電光照<BR>Whose eyes are like an instant flash of lightning, <BR>JIG-TEN SUM-G&Ouml;N CHU-KYE SH&Auml;L-GYI <BR>三世界尊蓮華中<BR>Whose water-born face arises from the blooming lotus <BR>GEY-SAR JE-WA L&Auml;-NI JUNG-MA <BR>花蕊綻放現端嚴<BR>Of Avalokiteshvara: protector of the three worlds. <BR><BR><BR>2 CHAG-TSEL T&Ouml;N-K&Auml;I DA-WA K&Uuml;N-TU <BR>禮敬百秋朗月母【白色】<BR>Homage to you, Tara, whose face is like <BR>GANG-WA GYA-NI TSEG-PAI SH&Auml;L-MA <BR>普遍圓滿疊輝面<BR>One hundred full autumn moons gathered together, <BR>KAR-MA TONG-TRAG TSOG-PA NAM-KYI <BR>如千星宿俱聚集<BR>Blazing with the expanding light <BR>RAB-TU CHE-WAI &Ouml;-RAB BAR-MA <BR>燦然閃爍更明耀<BR>Of a thousand stars assembled. <BR><BR><BR>3 CHAG-TSEL SER-NGO CHU-N&Auml; KYE-KYI <BR>禮敬水生青蓮母【黃色】<BR>Homage to you, Tara, born from a golden-blue lotus, <BR>P&Auml;-ME CHAG-NI NAM-PAR GY&Auml;N-MA <BR>妙手持蓮相庄嚴<BR>Whose hands are beautifully adorned with lotus flowers, <BR>JIN-PA TSON-DR&Uuml; KAA-TUB ZHI-MA <BR>布施精進息苦行<BR>You who are the embodiment of giving, joyous effort, asceticism, <BR>Z&Ouml;-PA SAM-T&Auml;N CH&Ouml;-YUL NYI-MA <BR>忍辱禪定所行境<BR>Pacification, patience, concentration and all objects of practice. <BR><BR>4 CHAG-TSEL DE-ZHIN SHEG-PAI TSUG-TOR <BR>禮敬如來頂髻母【黃色】<BR>Homage to you, Tara, the crown pinnacle of those thus gone, <BR>TAA-Y&Auml; NAM-PAR GYEL-WAR CH&Ouml;-MA <BR>無邊尊胜行持母<BR>Whose deeds overcome infinite evils, <BR>MA-L&Uuml; PA-R&Ouml;L CHIN-PA TOB-PAI <BR>無余彼岸悉已達<BR>Who have attained transcendent perfections without exception, <BR>GYEL-WAI S&Auml;-KYI SHIN-TU TEN-MA <BR>佛子盡悉極親炙<BR>And upon whom the sons of the Victorious Ones rely. <BR><BR><BR>5 CHAG-TSEL T&Uuml;T-TAA-RA HUM YIG-GE <BR>禮敬都達熱作吽字【金色】<BR>Homage to you, Tara, who with the letters TUTTARA HUM <BR>D&Ouml;-DANG CHOG-DANG NAM-KAA GANG-MA <BR>摯愛方所滿虛空<BR>Fill the (realms of) desire, direction and space, <BR>JIG-TEN D&Uuml;N-PO ZHAB-KYI N&Auml;N-TE <BR>運足遍履七世界<BR>Whose feet trample on the seven worlds <BR>L&Uuml;-PA ME-PAR GUG-PAR N&Uuml;-MA <BR>悉能鉤攝盡無余<BR>And who are able to draw all the beings to you. <BR><BR>6 CHAG-TSEL GYA-JIN ME-LHA TSANG-PA <BR>禮敬自在供養母【赤色】<BR>Homage to you, Tara, venerated by Indra, Agni, <BR>LUNG-LHA NA-TSOG WONG-CHUG CH&Ouml;-MA <BR>供諸釋火梵風神<BR>Brahma, Vayu and Ishvara, <BR>JUNG-PO RO-LANG DRI-ZA NAM-DANG <BR>部多起尸尋香等<BR>Praised by the assembly of spirits, raised corpses, <BR>N&Ouml;-JIN TSOG-KYI D&Uuml;N-N&Auml; T&Ouml;-MA <BR>諸藥叉眾所贊嘆<BR>Ghandarvas and all yakshas. <BR><BR><BR>7 CHAG-TSEL TR&Auml;-CHE JA-DANG PE-KYI <BR>禮敬名遮作啪母【青色】<BR>Homage to you, Tara, whose TRAD and PHAT <BR>PA-R&Ouml;L TR&Uuml;L-KOR RAB-TU JOM-MA <BR>於彼施惡極摧坏<BR>Destroy entirely the magical wheels of others. <BR>Y&Auml;-KUM Y&Ouml;N-KYANG ZHAB-KYI N&Auml;N-TE <BR>展右卷左作足蹋<BR>With your right leg bent and left outstretched and pressing, <BR>ME-BAR TRAG-PA SHIN-TU BAR-MA <BR>焰光熾盛極明耀<BR>You burn intensely within a whirl of fire. <BR><BR><BR><BR>8 CHAG-TSEL TU-RE JIG-PA CHEN-PO <BR>禮敬都咧大怖母【紅色】<BR>Homage to you, Tara, the great fearful one, <BR>D&Uuml;-KYI PAA-WO NAM-PAR JOM-MA <BR>凶猛魔父咸摧毀<BR>Whose letter TURE destroys the mighty demons completely, <BR>CHU-KYE SHEL-NI TRO-NYER D&Auml;N-DZ&Auml; <BR>妙蓮華面蹙顰眉<BR>Who with a wrathful expression on your water-born face <BR>DRA-WO TAM-CH&Auml; MA-L&Uuml; S&Ouml;-MA <BR>一切怨敵無余摧<BR>Slay all enemies without an exception. <BR><BR>9 CHAG-TSEL KON-CHOG SUM-TS&Ouml;N CHAG-GYAI <BR>禮敬三寶志印母【紅色】<BR>Homage to you, Tara, whose fingers adorn your heart <BR>SOR-M&Ouml; TUG-KAR NAM-PAR GY&Auml;N-MA <BR>手指當心相端嚴<BR>With a gesture of the Sublime Precious Three, <BR>MA-L&Uuml; CHOG-KYI KOR-L&Ouml; GY&Auml;N-PAI <BR>無余方輪為嚴飾<BR>Adorned with a wheel striking all directions without exception <BR>RANG-GI &Ouml;-KYI TSOG-NAM TRUG-MA <BR>自身光聚極熾盛<BR>With the totality of your own rays of light. <BR><BR>10 CHAG-TSEL RAB-TU GAA-WA JI-PAI <BR>禮敬歡悅威德母【紅色】<BR>Homage to you, Tara, whose radiant crown ornament, <BR>U-GY&Auml;N &Ouml;-KYI TRENG-WA PEL-MA <BR>頂嚴光鬘更迭飾<BR>Joyful and magnificent, extends a garland of light, <BR>ZH&Auml;-PA RAB-ZH&Auml; T&Uuml;T-TAA-RA-YI <BR>展顏喜笑都達熱<BR>And who, by your laughter of TUTTARA, <BR>D&Uuml;-DANG JIG-TEN WONG-DU DZE-MA <BR>世間魔類悉攝伏<BR>Conquer the demons and all of the worlds. <BR><BR><BR>11 CHAG-TSEL SA-ZHI KYONG-WAI TSOG-NAM <BR>禮敬守護大地母【青色】<BR>Homage to you, Tara, who are able to invoke <BR>TAM-CH&Auml; GUK-PAR N&Uuml;-MA NYI-MA <BR>悉能鉤召諸地祗<BR>The entire assembly of local protectors, <BR>TRO-NYER Y&Ouml;-WAI YI-GE HUM-GI <BR>顰眉撼動字母吽<BR>Whose wrathful expression fiercely shakes, <BR>PONG-PA TAM-CH&Auml; NAM-PAR DR&Ouml;L-MA <BR>一切貧困悉渡脫<BR>Rescuing the impoverished through the letter HUM. <BR><BR><BR><BR>12 CHAG-TSEL DA-WAI DUM-BU U-GY&Auml;N <BR>禮敬頂嚴冠月母【金色】<BR>Homage to you, Tara, whose crown is adorned <BR>GY&Auml;N-PA TAM-CHAY SHING-TU BAR-MA <BR>諸飾現胜妙嚴光<BR>With the crescent moon, wearing ornaments exceedingly bright; <BR>R&Auml;L-PAI TR&Ouml;-NA &Ouml;-PAG ME-L&Auml; <BR>阿彌陀佛髻中現<BR>From your hair knot the Buddha Amitabha <BR>DAK-PAR SHIN-TU &Ouml;-RAB DZE-MA <BR>常放眾妙寶光明<BR>Radiates eternally with great beams of light. <BR><BR><BR>13 CHAG-TSEL K&Auml;L-PAI TA-MAI ME-TAR <BR>禮敬如盡劫火母【赤色】<BR>Homage to you, Tara, who dwell within a blazing garland <BR>BAR-WAI TRENG-WAI &Uuml;-NA N&Auml;-MA <BR>安住熾盛火鬘中<BR>That resembles the fire at the end of this world age; <BR>Y&Auml;-KYANG Y&Ouml;N-KUM K&Uuml;N-N&Auml; KOR-GAI <BR>展右卷左普歡愉<BR>Surrounded by joy, you sit with right leg extended <BR>DRA-YI PUNG-NI NAM-PAR JOM-MA <BR>善能摧毀怨敵軍<BR>And left withdrawn, completely destroying all the masses of enemies. <BR><BR>14 CHAG-TSEL SA-ZHI NG&Ouml;-LA CHAG-GI <BR>禮敬手按大地母【青色】<BR>Homage to you, Tara, with hand on the ground by your side, <BR>TIL-GYI N&Uuml;N-CHING ZHAB-KYI DUNG-MA <BR>以足踐蹋作鎮壓<BR>Pressing your heel and stamping your foot on the earth; <BR>TRO-NYER CH&Auml;N-DZ&Auml; YI-GE HUM-GI <BR>現顰眉相以吽字<BR>With a wrathful glance from your eyes you subdue <BR>RIM-PA DUN-PO NAM-NI GEM-MA <BR>七重地府咸摧伏<BR>All seven levels through the syllable HUM. <BR><BR><BR>15 CHAG-TSEL DE-MA GE-MA SHI-MA <BR>禮敬樂善寂靜母【白色】<BR>Homage to you, Tara, O happy, virtuous and peaceful one, <BR>NYA-NG&Auml;N D&Auml;-ZHI CH&Ouml;-Y&Uuml;L NYI-MA <BR>涅槃寂滅所行境<BR>The very object of practice, passed beyond sorrow. <BR>SO-HA OM-DANG YANG-DAG D&Auml;N-P&Auml; <BR>梭哈嗡等極清淨<BR>You are the perfectly endowed with SOHA and OM, <BR>DIG-PA CHEN-PO JOM-PA NYI-MA <BR>善能摧毀怨敵軍<BR>Overcoming completely all the great evils. <BR><BR><BR>16 CHAG-TSEL K&Uuml;N-N&Auml; KOR-RAB GAA-WAI <BR>禮敬普出極喜母【白色】<BR>Homage to you, Tara, surrounded by the joyous ones, <BR>DRA-YI L&Uuml;-NI NAM-PAR GEM-MA <BR>徹底摧毀敵之軀<BR>You completely subdue the bodies of all enemies; <BR>YIG-GE CHU-PAI NGAG-NI K&Ouml;-PAI <BR>十字咒句妙嚴飾<BR>Your speech is adorned with the ten syllables <BR>RIG-PA HUM-L&Auml; DR&Ouml;L-MA NYI-MA <BR>明咒吽化度母身<BR>And you rescue all through the knowledge-letter HUM. <BR><BR><BR>17 CHAG-TSEL TU-RE ZHAB-NI DAB-P&Auml; <BR>禮敬都咧足躡母【黃色】<BR>Homage to you, Tara, stamping your feet and proclaiming TURE, <BR>HUM-GI NAM-PAI SA-BON NYI-MA <BR>吽之相勢為种字<BR>Your seed-syllable itself in the aspect of HUM <BR>RI-RAB MAN-DA RA-DANG BIG-JE <BR>須彌曼陀及賓陀<BR>Cause Meru, Mandhara and Vindhya mountains <BR>JIG-TEN SUM-NAM YO-WA NYI-MA <BR>三世間悉能撼搖<BR>And all the three worlds to tremble and shake. <BR><BR><BR>18 CHAG-TSEL LHA-YI TSO-YI NAM-PAI <BR>禮敬天海相勢母【黃色】<BR>Homage to you, Tara, who hold in your hand <BR>RI-DAG TAG-CH&Auml;N CHAG-NA NAM-MA <BR>手中執持神獸志<BR>The hare-marked moon like the celestial ocean; <BR>TARA NYI-J&Ouml; P&Auml;-KYI YI-GE <BR>達熱誦二以啪字<BR>By uttering TARA twice and the letter PHAT <BR>DUG-NAM MA-LU PA-NI SEL-MA <BR>諸毒無余悉淨除<BR>You dispel all poisons without exception. <BR><BR><BR>19 CHAG-TSEL LHA-YI TSOG-NAM GY&Auml;L-PO <BR>禮敬諸天眾王母【金色】<BR>Homage to you, Tara, upon whom the kings of the assembled gods, <BR>LHA-DANG MI-AM CHI-YI TEN-MA <BR>天人非人咸依止<BR>The gods themselves and all probable-humans rely; <BR>K&Uuml;N-N&Auml; GO-CHA GAA-WA JI-GYI <BR>普出歡悅威德鎧<BR>Whose magnificent armour gives joy to all, <BR>TS&Ouml;-DANG MI-LAM NG&Auml;N-PA SEL-MA <BR>消弭爭斗与惡夢<BR>You who dispel all disputes and bad dreams. <BR><BR><BR><BR>20 CHAG-TSEL NYI-MA DA-WA GY&Auml;-PAI <BR>禮敬日月廣圓母【黃色】<BR>Homage to you, Tara, whose two-eyes - the sun and the moon - <BR>CH&Auml;N-NYI PO-LA &Ouml;-RAB S&Auml;L-MA <BR>雙目炯然極明澈<BR>Radiate an excellent, illuminating light; <BR>HARA NYI-J&Ouml; T&Uuml;T-TAA-RA-YI <BR>哈繞誦二都達熱<BR>By uttering HARA twice and TUTTARA <BR>ZHIN-TU DRAG-POI RIM-N&Auml; SEL-MA <BR>善除凶猛瘟疫病<BR>You dispel all violent epidemic diseases. <BR><BR><BR>21 CHAG-TSEL DE-NYI SUM-NAM K&Ouml;-P&Auml; <BR>禮敬三諦庄嚴母【青色】<BR>Homage to you, Tara, adorned by the three suchnesses, <BR>ZHI-WAI TU-DANG YANG-DAG D&Auml;N-MA <BR>如實具足寂靜力<BR>Perfectly endowed with the power of serenity, <BR>D&Ouml;N-DANG RO-LANG N&Ouml;-JIN TSOG-NAM <BR>邪魔起尸藥叉眾<BR>You who destroy the host of evil spirits, raised corpses and yakshas <BR>JOM-PA TU-RE RAB-CHOG NYI-MA <BR>都熱最胜悉滅除<BR>O TURE, most excellent and sublime! <BR><BR><BR>TSA-WAI NGAG-KYI T&Ouml;-PA DI-DANG <BR>此乃贊頌根本咒<BR>Thus concludes this praise of the root mantra <BR>CHAG-TSEL WA-NI NYI-SHU TSA-CHIG <BR>禮敬文共二十一<BR>And the offering of the twenty-one homages. <BR><BR><BR>OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SOHA <BR>(recite the mantra as many times as possible) <BR><BR><BR>功德利益 BENEFITS OF RECITATION <BR><BR>1 LHA-MO LA-G&Uuml; YANG-DAG D&Auml;N-PAI <BR>於尊淨信禮敬者<BR>Those endowed with perfect and pure respect for the Goddesses - <BR>LO-D&Auml;N GANG-GI RAB-D&Auml; J&Ouml;-DE <BR>任誰至心而贊頌<BR>The intelligent who recite these praises with the most supreme faith <BR>S&Ouml;-DANG TO-RANG LANG-PAR J&Auml;-N&Auml; <BR>晨起禮贊夕复誦<BR>Both in the evening and upon waking at dawn - <BR>DR&Auml;N-P&Auml; MI-JIG TAM-CH&Auml; RAB-TER <BR>憶念諸胜施無畏<BR>Will have fearlessness bestowed on them by this remembrance. <BR><BR>2 DIG-PA TAM-CH&Auml; RAB-TU ZHI-WA <BR>所有罪業悉滅除<BR>After being purified of all evils completely <BR>NG&Auml;N-DRO TAM-CH&Auml; JOM-PA NYI-TO <BR>凡諸惡趣盡摧毀<BR>They will attain the destruction of all lower realms,<BR>GYEL-WA JE-WA TRAK-D&Uuml;N NAM-KYI <BR>七俱胝等一切佛<BR>And the seven million conquering Buddhas <BR>NYUR-DU WONG-NI KUR-WAR GYUR-LA <BR>迅速給予胜灌頂<BR>Will quickly grant them every empowerment. <BR><BR>3 DI-L&Auml; CHE-WA NYI-NI TOB-CHING <BR>此生來世益增胜 <BR>Thus they will attain greatness and go forth <BR>SANG-GY&Auml; GO-PANG TAR-TUK DER-DRO <BR>究竟趨於正覺果<BR>To the ultimate state of supreme buddhahood. <BR>DE-YI DUG-NI DRAG-PO CHEN-PO <BR>彼或中毒極嚴重<BR>As a result of all violent poisons - <BR>T&Auml;N-N&Auml; PA-AM ZH&Auml;N-YANG DRO-WA <BR>無論痼疾或他因<BR>Whether abiding within or spreading to others – <BR><BR>4 Z&Ouml;-PA DANG-NI TUNG-PA NYI-KANG <BR>或因誤食或誤飲<BR>That they have eaten or drunk, <BR><BR>DR&Auml;N-P&Auml; RAB-TU SEL-WA NYI-TOB <BR>憶念尊等即解毒<BR>By this remembrance will be completely removed, <BR>D&Ouml;N-DANG RIM-DANG DUG-GI ZIR-WAI <BR>或遭邪魔疫歷擾<BR>And they will eliminate completely affliction by spirits, <BR>DUG-NG&Auml;L TSOG-NI NAM-PAR PONG-TE <BR>彼諸苦惱悉蠲除<BR>Epidemics, poisons and all various sufferings. <BR><BR>5 SEM-CH&Auml;N ZH&Auml;N-PA NAM-LA YANG-NGO <BR>有情他眾亦如是<BR>If for oneself or for the sake of all others, <BR>NYI-SUM D&Uuml;N-DU NG&Ouml;N-PAR J&Ouml;-NA <BR>若誦此贊二三七<BR>These praises are read two, three or seven times sincerely, <BR>BU-D&Ouml; P&Auml;-NI BU-TOB GYUR-CHING <BR>欲乞儿女得儿女<BR>Those wishing a son will attain a son <BR>NOR-D&Ouml; P&Auml;-NI NOR-NAM NYI-TOB <BR>欲求財寶財丰饒<BR>And those wishing wealth will attain this as well. <BR><BR>6 D&Ouml;-PA TAM-CH&Auml; TOB-PAR GYUR-TE <BR>一切所欲悉滿愿<BR>Without obstruction all their wishes will be granted <BR>GEG-NAM ME-CHING SO-SOR JOM-GYUR-CHIG <BR>一切障礙不能侵<BR>And every single hindrance will be destroyed as it arises. <BR><BR>尊者薄伽梵母具大悲 我与無邊一切之有情<BR>清淨二障速圓二資糧 祈令證得圓滿之佛果<BR>未成正覺生生与世世 悉獲天人胜妙安樂已<BR>精勤修習遍知一切智 魔障瘟疫疾病等障難<BR>形成种种非時之死亡 以及惡夢不祥之征兆<BR>八怖畏等周邊諸傷害 祈令速得平息化烏有<BR>所有世間及出世間中 吉祥善樂富鐃圓滿等<BR>增而廣之諸利盡無余 祈求無需努力任運成<BR>精進修持弘揚正教法 恒修尊法親晤尊聖顏<BR>了悟空義至寶菩提心 如上弦月增長亦增胜<BR>諸佛壇城彼中善且樂 胜妙蓮華極其端麗生<BR>無量光佛真實已現前 祈吾於彼亦能得授記<BR>生生世世吾所修本尊 三世一切諸佛事業母<BR>翠顏一面二臂極奮迅 佛母持青蓮者祈吉祥<BR>佛母度母尊身何所似 眷屬壽量以及淨土等<BR>尊之聖號賢善何所似 彼悉唯如吾等之所愿<BR>贊嘆祈請尊者之力故 無論吾等居於何方所<BR>貧窮疾病戰爭悉平息 諸法吉祥祈令俱增胜</FONT></P><P>各个版本度母的身色不一,请问:那一个最准确(和祈竹仁波切所传接近或者一致的)?</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P></SPAN></FONT></SPAN>
发表于 2009-1-8 20:21 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-6-19 12:33 | 显示全部楼层


B﹑持咒──嗡 搭蕾 督搭蕾 督蕾 娑哈


B﹑持咒──嗡  班札 搭蕾 沙哇 庇格能 心燈 古魯 娑哈


B﹑持咒──嗡 搭蕾 督搭蕾 督蕾 媽媽 沙哇 隆隆 加拉 巴亞 心燈 古魯 娑哈


B﹑持咒──嗡 搭蕾 督搭蕾 督蕾 媽媽 沙哇 棒棒  加拉 巴亞 心燈 古魯 娑哈


A﹑觀想── 身黃色,所持花上有不斷滴出甘露的水晶珠。
B﹑持咒──嗡 搭蕾 督搭蕾 督蕾 媽媽 沙哇 朗朗 加拉 巴亞 心燈 古魯 娑哈


B﹑持咒──嗡 搭蕾 督搭蕾 督蕾 媽媽 沙哇 仰仰 加拉 巴亞 心燈 古魯 娑哈


B﹑持咒──嗡 利拿 搭蕾 沙哇 挪噶 加拉 巴亞 搭拉 搭拉 滴哩 滴哩 心心 加拿 加拿 布金 古魯 嗡


B﹑持咒──嗡 搭蕾 督搭蕾 督蕾 媽媽 沙哇 誒誒 麻哈 哈納 巴亞 心燈 古魯 娑哈


B﹑持咒──嗡 搭蕾 督搭蕾 督蕾 媽媽 沙哇 底底底 叉那 拉 叉 拉 叉  古魯 娑哈


B﹑持咒──嗡 搭蕾 督搭蕾 督蕾 媽媽 沙哇 朗加 度金 久大 心燈 古魯 娑哈


B﹑持咒──嗡 搭蕾 督搭蕾 督蕾 沙哇 加拉 文大 本大 吉湯 娑哈


B﹑持咒──嗡 貝瑪 搭蕾 搭蕾 仙搭拉 謝沙哇 挪噶哇向 古魯 火


B﹑持咒──嗡 搭蕾 督搭蕾 督蕾 沙哇 度 金 庇格能 棒 呸 娑哈


B﹑持咒──嗡 搭蕾 督搭蕾 督蕾 沙哇 吽 吽 度 金 哈那 哈那 加 撒 亞 呸 娑哈


B﹑持咒──嗡 搭蕾 督搭蕾 督蕾 沙哇 加蕾 加蕾 本搭 呸 娑哈


B﹑持咒──嗡 搭蕾 督搭蕾 督蕾 沙哇 巴 卡 加拉 亞 哈拉 哈拉 呸 娑哈


B﹑持咒──嗡 噶媽 搭蕾 沙哇 嘿 火火 吽吽 斌打斌打 呸


B﹑持咒──嗡 搭蕾 督搭蕾 督蕾  沙哇加拉 沙哇度噶 覽 薩瑪那亞 呸 娑哈


B﹑持咒──嗡 搭蕾 督搭蕾 督蕾  呸 加 阿育 客 娑哈


B﹑持咒──嗡 搭蕾 督搭蕾 督蕾 金白母 嘿 打那 美地 啥 娑哈


B﹑持咒──嗡 搭蕾 督搭蕾 督蕾 沙哇 阿塔 悉地 悉地 古魯 娑哈
发表于 2009-6-19 12:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-6-19 12:55 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2009-6-19 13:24 | 显示全部楼层

1.奋迅度母Rapid Heroine
敬礼速疾无畏度母 目如霹雳闪电之光 观世音之泪海洋中 莲华化生三界护主
咒语:Om Tare Tuttare Ture Sarwa Tre Dah Du Wa Sham Kuru Soha
2.威猛度母 White Lustre One
敬礼面如秋令之月 百月凝于圆满面者 更以耀目光华烈照 光如一千星宿集积
咒语:Om Tare Tuttare Ture Sarwa Pahpam Shanti Kuru Soha
3.金颜度母 Great Golden One
敬礼金蓝莲华生者 手有莲华以作饰严 布施持戒忍辱精进 禅定般若圆满总持
咒语:Om Tare Tuttare Ture Sarwa Ayu Pune Pushtum Kuru Soha
4.顶髻尊胜度母 Victorious Ushnisha
敬礼饰严普佛顶者 事行殊胜能满无边 证达成就普圆满行 胜者佛子众皆依仗
咒语:Om Tare Tuttare Ture Sarwa Ayu Gyana Pushtum Kuru Soha
5.吽音叱度母 Tara with the Hum voice
敬礼度达娜吽字者 声满欲色界与虚空 运足践毁遍七世界 成就并具勾摄召力
咒语:Om Tare Tuttare Ture Akar Saya Hrih Soha
6.胜三界度母 Queen of the three realms
敬礼帝释梵天所尊 自在风火神所敬者 行尸逐味鬼与诸灵 夜叉等众悉唱赞叹
咒语:Om Tare Tuttare Ture Sarwa Big Nen Shatrum Utsa Traya Soha
7.破敌度母 Subduer of black magic
敬礼具弘尺呸字者 字破摧毁外术幻轮 右足内盘左足伸展 炽盛焰中身极明耀
咒语:Om Tare Tuttare Ture Sarwa Bedya Awa Ra Naye Soha
8.摧破魔军度母 Foe and Evil Destroyer
敬礼尔具度里字者 字灭大怖凶猛魔灵 莲华面上现忿眉相 无余破尽一切敌怨
咒语:Om Tare Tuttare Ture Shatrum Maraya Phat Soha
9.供奉三宝度母 Bearer of the Refuge Mudra
敬礼胸以手印饰者 印表三宝持于心轮 尔之胜轮普方遍照 光华回旋凝集炽盛
咒语:Om Tare Tuttare Ture No Pa Sarwa Rakcha Soha
10.伏魔度母 Conqueror of the World’s Evil
敬礼耀欢辉悦喜者 顶冠流照如环光华 以度达娜声作宣笑 能降世间诸魔主众
咒语:Om Tare Tuttare Ture Sarwa Mara Prama Taya Hum Phat Soha
11.解厄度母 Dispeller of Poverty
敬礼拥具摄召力者 能召守护土地灵众 以忿目相宣吽声字 加持赐令解脱贫苦
咒语:Om Tare Tuttare Ture Basu Dare Soha
12.吉祥度母 Auspicious One
敬礼顶佩新月冠者 一切璎严光华明耀 由尔髻现阿弥陀佛 放大光明永恒流照
咒语:Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mangala Pushtum Kuru Soha
13.烈焰度母 Fiery One
敬礼安佩烈焰冠者 冠如劫尽炽盛烈火 右足伸展左足内盘 败怨敌众喜悦遍布
咒语:Om Tare Tuttare Ture Spotaya Basmim Kuru Soha
14.颦眉度母 Frowning Fierce One
敬礼以手按大地者 足踏大地以作镇压 忿目观视作吽声字 镇伏降普七境之内
咒语:Om Tare Tuttare Ture Banzra Maha Saraye Basmim Kuru Soha
15.大寂静度母Great Peaceful One
敬礼悦乐善静逸者 涅盘寂灭修持体境 圆满具足疏哈与唵 度灭一切大邪灾凶
咒语:Om Tare Tuttare Ture Sarwa Pahpam Prasha Manaye Soha
16.明心吽音度母 Light of Worldly and Enlightened Deities
敬礼喜悦拥侍随者 尔普摧破敌怨躯相 十字真言饰严于心 尔吽学智赐令解脱
咒语:Om Tare Tuttare Ture Sarwa Dharma Prangya Prati Pari Shuddha Ye Soha
17.胜三界度母 Purbu Radiating Mount Meru
敬礼度里足作踏者 尔之心华种子吽字 尔令须弥及咏也地 曼答拉与普三界震
咒语:Om Tare Tuttare Ture Sarwa Tsora Stam Bana Soha
18.消毒度母 Clearer of All Poisons
敬礼手中执持明月 月如天界之池执者 诵二他娜及一呸声 逐除无余一切诸毒
咒语:Om Tare Tuttare Ture Sarwa Naga Bisha Shanting Kuru Ye Soha
19.消苦度母 Dispeller of Bad Dreams and Omens (祈竹活佛曾经特别为此尊著出简轨,见格鲁论坛旧贴)
敬礼天王天道神众 以及诸灵皆皈依者 尔之铠甲令普众悦 灭除斗争及诸恶梦
咒语:嗡 达咧 杜达咧 杜咧 萨尔哇 杜尔烁 拔尼摩炸拿也 梭哈
20.消疫度母 Dispeller of Plagues
敬礼双目犹如日月 光华清净耀烈照者 诵二哈娜一度他娜 驱逐至怖畏疫瘟灾
咒语:Om Tare Tuttare Ture Sarwa Biyade Dza Wara Prasha Manaye Soha
21.赐成就度母 Source of All Enlightened Activities
敬礼饰具三本性者 圆满具足寂静威德 尔灭魔妖行尸夜叉 至尊度里最胜无上
咒语:嗡 达咧 杜达咧 杜咧 萨尔哇 悉地 梭哈
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Sarwa Siddhi Soha
发表于 2012-3-5 17:19 | 显示全部楼层
冰河1997 发表于 2009-6-19 13:24
上善师兄以前发过与祈佛传授的相对应的二十一度母,可惜一直没找到能对应的图片,念度母赞文时不能很好的配 ...

发表于 2012-3-6 01:13 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-3-6 01:28 | 显示全部楼层
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