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发表于 2005-12-29 22:27
<SPAN id=zoom254010><FONT face="MS Shell Dlg,Tahoma,sans-serif,宋体"><B>前言</B></FONT> <P><FONT face="MS Shell Dlg,Tahoma,sans-serif,宋体">前言<BR>藏密佛法弘傳漢土東漸港臺已有時日,民國初年,大勇法師、法尊法師、歐陽無畏喇嘛開習藏文修藏密之先河,港臺修持有成就之大德無不秉承此風。近年,蒙諸上師慈悲,來港臺宏法利生之寧波車、法王日衆,十世班禪大師曾開示云,藏密佛法再宏期將至,誠證印不爽。吾等有情譬如盲龜,欣聞佛法猶千年值浮木,然則語言文字的障隔,令初習者聞法時,對法本精髓、儀軌內容、本尊名號,藏密名詞不甚了了,受法後的修持也是徒增違障。<BR>時下可資學習的藏文教材甚少,一些手書撰寫者難免失之嚴謹,正式出版的則主要由臺灣和大陸兩地編寫。臺灣一些教材涉及到不少佛教辭彙,有可取之處,不足之處則在於欠缺全面性和系統性,有些甚至流於條目,往往使學習者事倍功半。大陸出版的藏文教材主要由北京中央民族大學藏學研究院編撰,一九五一年以來該院編寫的教材不下十餘種,一些中國當代著名的語言學家,運用現代語言學的方法對藏語進行細緻地分析和研究,累積了大量經驗,這些教材在語言學上所取得的成就可以說具有時代的標誌性意義。然而亦毋庸諱言,這些教材因編撰年代較早,最近的一次修編也是在二十餘年前,故存在問題在所難免。諸如充斥了“階級兄弟、農奴制度”等一些時代性很強的政治辭彙,而宗教辭彙則闕如,有些難點過於簡略,只說果不說因的體例也令人難以把握來龍去脈,這些本質上的缺憾是導致這類教材無法適用於海外藏密修持者的主因。<BR>一本好的教材需要有系統,具全面性,由易及難循序漸進,同時還要契和學習者的願望。筆者應邀返港,於香港幾所佛學中心教授藏文藏語時,深深感受到一本可資講授和學習的教材十分重要,而大批學佛人仕正亟待這樣一本教材以作修密的門匙,在幾位發心人仕的支持下我們著手編撰這套教材。<BR>這套藏文藏語(佛學)教材共分爲四個部分:一、《藏文拼音與精要語法》;二、《藏密知識與名相》;三、《自習練習冊》;四、《藏語(拉薩音)語音光碟》;<BR>《藏文拼音與精要語法》共分為七章,每章按知識點分若干節,體例上藏語語言學和佛學兼顧,著重分析了以廣東話和國語爲母語的學習者之學習重點及難點,生詞皆爲佛學或與宗教、歷史相關的辭彙,適合具有一定佛學根基者學習。<BR>《藏密知識與名相》爲修甚深密之基石,乃漢土第一套全面、完善的藏中對照藏密佛學教材,共分爲十六課及九個附錄,每課由西藏名諺、藏密名詞解釋、藏密知識、藏密佛像神名組合、六世達賴喇嘛倉央嘉措詩歌、薩迦格言、米拉日巴道歌、雪域名刹等七至八個部分組成,每個部分均以藏漢對照形式編著。其中詩歌、格言、道歌的佛學部分我們作了全面地勘正,有必要的地方則依循藏文偈句,全部重新翻譯爲規整的七言,並作了相關的佛學注釋。雪域名刹對布達拉宮、大昭寺、格魯派三大寺;噶舉派楚布寺、羊八井寺;薩迦派薩迦寺;甯瑪派桑耶寺等十六座主要寺廟作了全面精要地介紹,並輔以實景照片。<BR>附錄部分中,附錄一編錄了藏文《般若波羅蜜多心經》。附錄二編錄了諸主要佛、本尊之《明咒》。附錄三編錄了逾二百尊藏密佛、本尊、護法之名號,這些均爲修法時所必須熟知者。附錄四則編制了上迄吐蕃贊普,下至一九五九年西藏歷代贊普(藏王)、司增、第司(攝政王)之名號表。附錄五編制了四大派主要根本上師的傳承,包括格魯派之菩提道上師傳承;噶舉派之大手印上師傳承、大手印竹巴噶舉上師近傳承、噶當噶舉兩派合和上師傳承;薩迦派之歷輩道果上師傳承;甯瑪派之大圓滿上師傳承、靜忿摧壞岩出近傳承等。附錄六編制了西藏四大派最高等級且最富盛名的三十九位寧波車之世系表,包括格魯派之歷輩達賴喇嘛、歷輩班禪喇嘛等;噶舉派之歷輩噶瑪巴(大寶法王)、歷輩夏瑪巴寧波車、歷輩司徒(錫度)寧波車、歷輩工珠寧波車、歷輩嘉旺竹欽寧波車、歷輩止貢且倉寧波車等;薩迦派之歷輩薩迦法王、歷輩大元帝師、歷輩鄂如寺法台、歷輩那林紮寺法台、歷輩宗薩寧波車;甯瑪派之歷輩敏林赤欽、歷輩敦珠法王等。附錄七編制了被視爲西藏最大善知識的歷輩甘丹法台之名號表。附錄八編錄了數十座西藏最主要寺廟的建造年表。附錄九則編制了西藏所有主要的宗教節日表。這些附錄除《般若波羅蜜多心經》和《明咒》外我們全部譯作了中文,並以藏漢對照形式編撰,其中很多內容由藏文經書中直接輯錄編撰,並得到提供經書的寧波車開許,將之譯成中文,首次示與漢土佛弟子。藏密修習者可以在掌握拼音及精要語法的基礎上,對以上大量藏密知識作進一步深入研習,即便暫時未有暇餘研習藏文者也可將之作爲工具書,從中汲取豐富的藏密知識。同時,亦可作爲寧波車傳法時或聽受寧波車傳法時對照藏文的中文參考書。<BR>《自習練習冊》針對《藏文拼音與精要語法》編撰,可使學習者在老師的指導下,通過自我訓練和測試的形式更系統、更快捷地掌握藏文藏語和藏密知識。<BR>《藏語(拉薩音)語音光碟》與本書拼音教材相配套,以藏語(拉薩音)、國語、粵語、英語、日語、韓語等六種語言錄製,光碟的最後還灌錄了由經書經師親自唱念的藏語《般若波羅蜜多心經》及《供曼紮頌》。其可使修密者更準確地瞭解藏語(拉薩話)的發音,進而通過模擬訓練,以標準的拉薩音準確修誦藏文儀軌。<BR>本教材語言學部分由中國最權威的藏語語言學家胡坦教授作終審,佛學部分由各大藏密寺廟及研究機構的寧波車、格西、堪布、寧波車經師、因明學教授等十二位大德共同審定。<BR>這套教材中很多理論上的成果,包括佛學、藏學、藏語語言學凝聚了半個多世紀以來國內外幾代佛學大家、藏學家、語言學家的心血,書中若有紕漏錯誤之處,則完全是我們的責任。<BR><BR>書稿即成 奉於大昭 覺臥足下 加持竟夜 <BR>佛祖澤被 祥瑞紛呈 紫雲華蓋 梵唄天成 <BR>是諸功德 回向雪域 天人有情 皆止惡趣 <BR>大樂聖法 受用無量 大悲刹土 佛法恒駐 <BR><BR><BR>黃勇 <BR>趙崢榮<BR>嘎瑪曲珍<BR>藏曆水羊年氐宿月於聖城拉薩<BR><BR><BR>Preface<BR><BR>The spread of Tibetan Buddhism to Chinese cultural areas, including Hong Kong and Taiwan, has been going on for some time. Pioneers such as Dharma Master Dayong, Dharma Master Fazun, and Lama Ouyangwuwei began to use Tibetan language to study Tibetan Buddhism during the early years of the Republic of China . Many accomplished Buddhist practitioners in Hong Kong and Taiwan have followed their footsteps. In recent years, The number of Rinpoche-s and Dharma Master who come to Hong Kong and Taiwan to teach Buddhism has increased. The Tenth Panchen Lama has revealed that Tibetan Buddhism will become widespread again. This prophesy is already becoming reality. Those of us who are interested in studying the dharma, however, are met with linguistic obstacles. Therefore, the beginning practitioners often have only surface understanding of the essential meanings of the scriptures, rituals, the names of meditational deities(Yidam), and Buddhist terminology. Even those who have received the dharma are hindered by lack of linguistic knowledge during later practices. <BR>Currently, there are very few Tibetan language teaching materials in Chinese. Hand-written materials are unavoidably inaccurate. Those published through formal channels mainly come from Taiwan and Mainland China. The publications from Taiwan touch upon a lot of Buddhist terminology; however, they lack organization and comprehensiveness, and learners cannot benefit fully from the material. Teaching materials from mainland China are mainly published by the Tibetan Studies Institute of the Central Nationalities University in Beijing. Since 1951, the Institute has compiled no less than ten different Tibetan instructional textbooks. Some of contemporary China’s famous linguists have done detailed research and analysis on Tibetan language using modern linguistic methods. As the accumulated result of these research efforts, these teaching materials have accomplished remarkable achievements in contemporary linguistic studies. However, the most recent edition of these was more than twenty years ago, and because of the early date of these publications, problems were unavoidable. For example, many contain time-specific political terms such as “class brothers” and “serfdom,” but lack religious terms. Some of the difficult points are not well-explained; and explanations in examples remain at the introductory level. Due to these weaknesses, these teaching materials are not suitable for overseas Chinese Buddhist practitioners. <BR>A good textbook must be systematic, comprehensive, and compatible with learners’ needs. It should proceed gradually from easy to difficult. When I was invited by several Buddhist centers to teach Tibetan language in Hong Kong, I became deeply aware of the importance of having good instructional material for both teachers and students. A large number of students of Buddhism are eagerly waiting the arrival of such textbooks as the key to understanding Buddhism. Therefore, we have started the task of compiling a new set of textbooks with the support of several like-minded people. <BR>This set of Tibetan language (Buddhism) textbooks has four parts: <BR>“Tibetan Spelling and Grammar Essentials”<BR>“Tibetan Buddhist Culture and terminology”<BR>“Self-Study Practice Book”<BR>“Tibetan (Lhasa Dialect) Pronunciation CD-ROM”<BR>“Tibetan Spelling and Grammar Essentials” is divided into seven chapters. Each chapter is divided into topical sections. The examples in this part take both Tibetan linguistics and Buddhist concepts into consideration, and the explanations focus on the important and difficult aspects of the language that Mandarin and Cantonese speakers may face. Vocabulary mainly consists of Buddhist terminology or words concerning history and religion. This book is appropriate for learners who already have basic knowledge of Buddhism. <BR>“Tibetan Buddhist Culture and terminology” is the foundational text for practitioners who wish to acquire deeper knowledge of Tibetan Buddhism. It is divided into sixteen lessons and nine appendices. Each lesson consists of seven or eight parts, including “Tibetan Proverbs,” “Buddhist Terminology Definitions,” “Tibetan Buddhist Civilization” “Names of Tibetan Buddhist Deities,” “The Sixth Dalai Lama Tsangyang Gyatso’s Poetry,” “Sayings of Sakya,” “Milarepa’s songs,” “Famous Landmarks of the Snowland,” etc. Each part is written in both Chinese and Tibetan. we have found it necessary to revise some earlier translations of poetry, proverbs, and songs, and re-translated some according to the original structure of the Tibetan seven-syllabic verse, and added relevant religious annotation. The “Famous Landmarks of the Snowland” contains succinct introductory information and actual photographs of sixteen major monasteries and temples in Tibet, including the Potala Palace, the Jokhang Temple, the three great monasteries of the Gelugpa Sect, Tsurpu Monastery of the Kagyu Sect, Yangpachen Monastery, Sakya Monastery, and Samye Monastery. <BR>Appendix One contains Prajnaparamitahrdaya (Heart Sutra). Appendix two contains Mantra-s, which is a collection of information on major Buddha-s and Yidam-s. Appendix Three is a compilation of the titles of about two hundred Buddha-s, Yidam-s, and guardian deities. These are essential knowledge for Buddhist practitioners. Appendix four lists the names and titles of Tibetan emperors , kings, and regents, from the time of Songtsen gampo to 1959. Appendix Five contains the major lineages of the four sects, including the Lineage Holders of the Lamrim "Stages of the Path" of the Gelugpa Sect, the Lineage Holders of Mahamudra of the Kagyupa Sect, the Lineage Holders of Drukpa Kagyu Mahamudra Tradition, the Lineage Holders of the Combined Kadam-Kagyu Tradition, the Lineage Holders of the Lamdre "Path and Fruit" of the Sakyapa Sect, the Lineage Holders of the Dzogchen "Great Perfection" of the Nyingmapa Sect, the Near and Immediate Terma Lineages of the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities, etc. Appendix Six charts the lineages of the highest and best-known thirty-nine Rinpoche-s of the four major sects, including the Dalai Lama-s and the Panchen Lama-s of the Gelugpa sect, Karmapa, Shamarpa, Tai Situ Rinpoche, Jamgon Kongtrül Rinpoche, Gyalwang Drukpa Rinpoche, Drigung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche of the Kagyupa Sect, Sakya Trizin, the Imperial Preceptors of the Yuan Dynasty, the Throne Holders of Ngor Evam Chö-den, the Throne Holders of Nalendra, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche of the Sakyapa Sect, Mindroling Trichen, Dudjom Rinpoche, etc., of the Nyingmapa Sect. Appendix Seven contains the titles of the the Throne Holders of Ganden, who are considered as the most compassionate and knowledgeable in Tibet. Appendix Eight contains the table of the construction dates of several dozens of Tibet’s most important monasteries. Appendix Nine lists the major religious holidays in Tibet. Besides Prajnaparamitahrdaya and Mantra-s, we have received the permission from the Rinpoche-s who provided the scriptures to translate all the other appendices into Chinese, and to place the same information in Tibetan alongside. Most of the content is directly chosen and edited from Tibetan scriptures, and is revealed to Chinese dharma students for the first time. Tibetan Buddhist practitioners can take up in-depth study of the large amount of dharma knowledge in these appendices, after acquiring a good grasp of Tibetan phonology and essential grammar. Even those who do not have time to study Tibetan language can use this book as a reference for Buddhist knowledge. At the same time, this book can be used as a Chinese-Tibetan reference book for both dharma teachers and students. <BR>“Self-Study Practice Book” is designed to accompany “Tibetan Spelling and Grammar Essentials”. Under instructors’ guidance, learners can more systematically and quickly grasp Tibetan linguistic and Buddhist knowledge through self-study and testing.<BR>The “Tibetan (Lhasa Dialect) Pronunciation CD-ROM” and the grammar textbook form a complete set of language instruction material. The CD-ROM was recorded in six languages: Tibetan (Lhasa pronunciation), Mandarin, Cantonese, English, Japanese, and Korean . Through practice exams and readings of Tibetan literature in standard Lhasa pronunciation, this CD-ROM helps the learners to more accurately master colloquial Tibetan (Lhasa Dialect). <BR>The linguistics section was edited by the most authoritative Tibetan linguist in China, Professor Hu Tan. The Buddhism section was co-edited by twelve Rinpoche-s, Geshe-s, Khenpo-s, the teacher of Rinpoche-s, and professors of Buddhist logic from various Tibetan monasteries and research institutes.<BR>The theoretical accomplishment of this set of instructional materials in Buddhism, Tibetan Studies, and Tibetan linguistics is the fruit of the painstaking efforts of several generations of scholars of the past century. Therefore, we will be completely responsible for any mistakes in these books. <BR><BR>When the manuscript was finished<BR>And taken to the Jokhang temple<BR>For one peaceful holy night stayed<BR>Hidden in the Buddha's clothes<BR><BR>Through compassion of the Buddha<BR>Auspicious signs reveal themselves<BR>The swirling purple clouds of cover<BR>And the sound of blessed law<BR><BR>Let the merit of this writing<BR>Benefit the Land of Snow<BR>So that no more sentient beings will<BR>Ever sink to three sad realms<BR><BR>Let the bliss of holy dharma<BR>Infinitely fill the land and<BR>Always permeate the realm of<BR>Avalokiteshvara the Lord<BR><BR><BR>Wong Yung<BR>Zhao Zhengrong<BR>Karma Choedron<BR>Water-Sheep Year</FONT></P><P><FONT face="MS Shell Dlg"></FONT> </P><P><SPAN id=zoom254011><FONT face="MS Shell Dlg,Tahoma,sans-serif,宋体"><B>序一</B></FONT> </P><P><FONT face="MS Shell Dlg,Tahoma,sans-serif,宋体">序一<BR>目前,海內外研習和皈信藏傳佛教者與日俱增,然而翻譯成漢文和英文的藏傳佛教經典不但數量很少,且翻譯質量也差強人意,粗製濫造的所謂佛學讀物充斥書攤,在很大程度上根本不能滿足研習和正信修持藏傳佛教者的需要。大批有識之士想從學習藏文、藏語入手,以便直接閱讀、研習浩如煙海之藏文儀軌,這是一個很好的想法,但從學習藏語文入手而達到直接閱讀藏文經典且能透徹理解,並不是一件容易的事。而這套《藏文藏語(佛學)教材》以拼音文字的普遍規律(藏文是先進的拼音文字),由淺入深,循序漸進地編撰,並且配以通行的注音符號,誠然爲學習藏語文和藏傳佛教開啓了方便之門。<BR>藏語有三大方言區,發音上各方言區有較大的區別。如前置字 }R/-$ 、上置字 3$R-:.R$? 中的很大一部分在拉薩方言中已經消失了,只是成爲書寫形式中分別詞彙的符號,但代表牧人語的廣大安多 A-3.R 方言中則較完整地保留下來那些成份的發音,保持了書寫和口語發音的一致性。時至今日,藏語三大方言不相統一,但書寫形式一致,故可以說藏族的書寫語言是統一的,方言的差別僅僅是語言上的差別。因此,這套以拉薩音爲標準的拼讀教材,對正確掌握藏文的書寫形式、正字法以及統一辭彙並無防礙,而且裨益甚大。<BR>藏傳佛教是三乘合璧、顯密結合的佛教完整體系,顯密各有不同的術語名詞系統,同樣一個名詞在顯教和密教中所指完全不同,諸如:蓮花 0E 、金剛 hR-eJ 、手印 K$-o 在密法中並非通常意義的蓮花等,以通常語表達特殊含義,這正是善巧保密方法之一,實修者在學習本書時誠應謹記。<BR>應作者之請,我對這套教材進行了認真地校閱,我認爲這套教材編寫地非常成功,一位並非以藏語爲母語的學者,對藏傳佛教和藏語文苦之鑽研,能達到如此通達的水平,實在是難能可貴的,我真誠地隨喜。<BR>這套教材爲有志於研習藏傳佛教的海內外華人開闢了一條方便捷徑,爲弘揚藏傳佛教、饒益微塵數衆生,作出了很有價值的貢獻。<BR><BR><BR>多識•洛桑圖丹瓊排 <BR>.R<- 8A- ]R- 29%- ,2-2!/- (R?- :1J=,<BR>2003年12月16日 於蘭州<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>部分藏文未能显示,见谅</FONT></P><P><FONT face="MS Shell Dlg"></FONT> </P><P><FONT face="MS Shell Dlg"><SPAN id=zoom254012><FONT face="MS Shell Dlg,Tahoma,sans-serif,宋体"><B>序二</B></FONT> </P><P><FONT face="MS Shell Dlg,Tahoma,sans-serif,宋体">序二<BR>要真正瞭解西藏的文化、歷史、宗教,進而研習藏密,是繞不開語言文字這一關的,否則難以得其精髓。許多中外人士對藏密具有濃厚的興趣,然而往往因爲語言文字的障礙而躑躅不前。爲了幫助這些對藏傳佛教,特別是對藏密有興趣的中外人士打開這幅門戶,青年藏學家黃勇(<A/- (J/- o- 35S)先生、趙崢嶸(2?R.- /3?- z- 3R)女士和噶瑪曲珍(!k- (R?- 1R/)女士編著了此套《藏文藏語(佛學)教材》,這一創舉無疑是對藏傳佛教界和藏學界的一項重要貢獻。<BR>這套專著系統地闡釋了藏文的結構和拼讀知識,包括運用現代語言學的方法對藏語(拉薩音)的語音系統進行了科學地分析,對西藏傳統的藏文拼讀方法輔以釋例和注音作了深入細緻地論釋。作者以其對藏傳佛教和藏族歷史的深湛學識,契合藏密修習者的需要,深入淺出地著錄了諸多藏密名相知識,我們相信,這套切合實際的專著一定會對有志於學習藏文的藏密修習者助益非淺,對推動藏密在海外的弘傳起到深遠的作用。在可見的將來,它將成爲藏密修習者學習藏文的主流教材,其價值和地位也會在衆多藏密修習者的使用過程中得以印證。<BR>黃勇先生曾在北京中央民族大學藏學系攻讀藏學專業,以優異成績獲取了碩士學位,被評爲全校優秀研究生,碩士學位論文亦被評爲全校優秀論文發表於國家核心刊物上,並收入《現代中國藏學文庫——學術專著》叢書中,作爲他的好友和知己,我衷心祝願這三位後來居上的年輕藏學家在藏密研究、藏學研究、藏語文研習以及傳播中華文化領域取得更大成就。<BR><BR>胡 坦<BR>中國藏學研究中心<BR>2003年12月15日 於北京</FONT></P></SPAN></FONT></SPAN></SPAN> |