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发表于 2012-3-2 00:42 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 蒋扬耶喜 于 2012-3-2 01:05 编辑

      帕绷喀大樂藏常自己承認而說,其有一世曾為章嘉 戲遊金剛。其又曾一世為章嘉 阿旺曲旦。又曾一世為印度黑行者,黑行者乃所有勝樂傳承祖師中最重要三位上師之一,其中盧伊巴大成就者 所著典籍,大多以上師口訣為主而作解釋,故而口訣最廣者(最詳細)乃其傳承。金剛鈴者大成就者 所著典籍,以速得加持為」主,故而加持最速者為其傳承。至於黑行大成所著典籍,以解釋本續及釋續之文字為主,故而以字面最易了解本續及釋續者乃其傳承,因而此三稱為勝樂輪溯源之最重要三大傳承,且帕绷喀大樂藏之甘丹山派諸具量上師,皆共認其為勝樂輪本尊化為比丘相之上師,故為與其他不共矣
      故帕绷喀大师 在传授 胜乐轮灌顶的时候,其某位上师执意参加,因为特殊不共缘故。
发表于 2012-3-2 08:23 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
ss11 发表于 2012-3-1 22:46
我一直有个疑问:为什么英国那位格西翻译的胜乐身坛城的仪轨和其他格西翻译的不一样?哪位同行说说?至少和 ...

发表于 2012-3-3 01:07 | 显示全部楼层
似水流年 发表于 2012-3-2 08:23

发表于 2012-3-3 02:27 | 显示全部楼层
似水流年 发表于 2012-3-2 08:23

发表于 2012-3-3 09:24 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2012-3-3 17:27 | 显示全部楼层
Chakrasamvara: Iconography      
Main Deity

Although there is quite a diversity in the Chakrasamvara lineages and practices the iconographical differences of the main deity are minor. Essentially there is (1) the 2-armed (Sanskrit: sahaja, meaning 'natural', 'easy' ) form and (2) the 12-armed full form of Chakrasamvara; each with two major variants. The two variants are: (a) In the Gelug tradition the mother consort has both her legs tightly wrapped around Heruka's body; (b) in almost all other traditions the consort has only one leg (usually the right one) wrapped around her consort's body and with the other one stands on the ground (usually on red Kalarati).

Two-Arm Chakrasamvara

In the 2-armed version Heruka is embracing his consort Vajrayogini/Vajravarahi. He is dark blue in color with one face and two hands embracing the consort and at the same time holding a vajra in his right and a bell in his left hand. He is adorned with a crown of five dry skulls, gold and bone ornaments, a necklace of freshly severed heads and a skirt of tiger skin. With both feet he stands on red Kalaratri and blue Bhairava both lying on the ground. The consort Vajrayogini/Vajravarahi is red in color, holding a curved knife (Tibetan: kartr or dri gug; Sanskrit: kartika) in her upraised right hand.In her left hand (not visible from the front) she is holding a blood-filled skullcup. For the leg positions, see 'Main Deity' above.

Twelve-Arm Chakrasamvara

In the 12-armed version the blue or black colored Heruka Chakrasamvara has 4 faces, 12 arms and 2 legs. In the Luipa and Ghantapa lineages the four faces are blue (front), yellow (sometimes: white; left), green (right), and red (back). In the Krishnacharya version the main face is blue, the left red, the back yellow and the right white. Each face has three eyes and four bared fangs. On his forehead he wears a garland of five-spoked vajras. He wears a tiger-skin as lower garment and around his neck hangs a garland of fifty dripping human heads.

With his outstretched right leg he treads on the head of  blue/black Bhairava who has four arms, the first two of which having palms pressed together, the other right holding a damaru and the other left a sword. With his bent left leg Heruka treads on the breasts of red Kalaratri who has four arms, the first two of which having palms pressed together, the other right holding a skullcup and the other left a khatvanga. Both of these (deities who are his) cushions have one face, three eyes and are adorned with the five mudra-ornaments.

With the first two of his twelve arms Heruka is embracing his consort Vajrayogini/Vajravarahi, with the right one holding a five-spoked vajra and with the the the left a bell. With his next lower two he holds, stretched out, a white elephants blood-stained hide as a cloak, his right hand holding its left front foot and his left hand its left back foot and its hide hanging down his back. These hands also are in the threatening mudra, with the two pointing fingers of this mudra held at the height of his eyebrows. In his third right hand is a damaru, in fourth an axe, in the fifth a cleaver and in the sixth a trident held pointing upwards. In Heruka's third left hand is a khatvanga marked with a vajra, in his fourth is a skullcup filled with blood, in the fifth a vajra lasso and in the sixth he holds a four-faced Brahmas head.

The consort Vajrayogini/Vajravarahi is essentially the same as in the 2-armed version having a body red in color, one face, two hands and three eyes. The left holds a blood filled skullcup and embraces Heruka, and the right, in a threatening gesture, holds a curved knife. For the leg positions, see 'Main Deity' above.

The Retinue
The difference between the various lineages shows most in the iconography of the retinue. In the Luipa and most other traditions the four directional dakinis have four arms whereas in the Ghantapa [only in the Body Mandala not in the 5-Deity version!] and in the Krishnacharchya tradition they only have two. There are also differences of the four offering godesses of the intermediate directions, the four doorkeepers (having animal-faces), and how the heros and heroines embrace each other (following essentially the two variants described above in 'Main Deity'). Some forms only have a retinue of five deities (including the main couple), others 13, 37, and the 62 we know from the main lineages.

发表于 2012-3-3 17:29 | 显示全部楼层
Gelug Practice Texts      
There is a number of different practices in the Gelug tradition, depending (1) on the lineage - Luipa or Ghantapa -  and on (2) whether it is the 5-Deity or the 62-Deity practice. Accordingly there area number of different practice texts. The following list (of English texts only) is just an enumeration not a recommendation. Please consult your teacher which text is suitable. Since I am not aware of any English translation of a Luipa text the following relates to the Ghantapa lineage only. At a later time each of the text editions/translations will be reviewed separately.

5-Deity Heruka
Thanks to the efforts of translator David Gonsalez a number of 5-Deity Heruka practice texts (focusing on the full 12-Arm form of the deity) have become available over the past years: (1) The Lamp Illuminating the Essence of Great Bliss: Self-Generation Sadhana of Heruka Five Deity; and (2) the longer self-initiation sadhana Essence of Great Bliss by Ngulchu Dharmabhadra. These beautifully translated texts are available for online purchase from the author's Dharma Center, Dechen Ling in Seattle.

There is also Lama Zopa's very abbreviated sadhana The Supreme Bliss - The Yoga Method of the Five Supreme Bliss Deities of Heruka, available online through FPMT's Foundation Store. This short but extremely practicable has been around for years and is based on Lama Yeshe's teachings. It focuses on the 2-Arm (Sahaja) form of Heruka.

62-Deity Heruka (Body Mandala)
Again, David Gonsalez tops the list for the Heruka Body Mandala practice; not only when it comes to the poetic beauty and accuracy of his translations but also in terms of numbers. He translated 4 different texts relating to this practice, all available for online purchase from the author's Dharma Center, Dechen Ling in Seattle.:

Abbreviated Heruka Body Mandala Sadhana;
Heruka Body Mandala Sadhana Increasing the Realization of Great Bliss;
The Abbreviated Self-Initiation of Heruka Body Mandala The Flowing River of the Camphor of Compassion; and
Heruka Lama Chopa Sadhana Lustrous Drop of Nectar of the Oral Lineage.

The following texts have been around for years:

Rob Preece's translation of The Excellent Increase of Great Bliss - The Body Mandala of the Bhagavan Chakrasamvara According to the Tradition of the Mahasiddha Ghantapada; originally done at the behest of Lama Yeshe, the text has (re-)appeared in many versions with various edits; last in Geshe Jinpa's and Thubten Chodron edition of it. It is available (together with the Text of the Tsog Offering and the commentary by Lati Rinpoche) from Thubten Chodron's website or by sending an emailThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to the Sravasti Abbey. Since it is not easy to get the text from Sravasti Abbey we are currently working to receive the necessary permission(s) to make these materials available on this site.
Alexander Berzin's translation of the medium-length Body Mandala sadhana, and the abbreviated version of it, Triple Purification (both available for registered members on this website under 'Downloads').
Lama Zopa's The Yoga of the Three Purifications of Shri Heruka, available online through FPMT's Foundation Store. From the same source you can receive Lama Zopa's Heruka Retreat Instructions - The Good Vase of the Dakinis’ Secret Treasure Nectar.

The other text, actually a whole collection of 62-Deity practice texts is contained in Geshe Kelsang Gyatso's Essence of Vajrayana:The Highest Yoga Practice of Heruka Body Mandala which also provides an introduction and commentary to the practice. The book can be ordered online directly from Tharpa Publications or Amazon. Please make sure that you ask your teacher before reading and/or working with this book.

发表于 2012-3-3 19:20 | 显示全部楼层
太 专 业 了  给 翻 译 下
发表于 2012-3-3 20:02 | 显示全部楼层
似水流年 发表于 2012-3-3 19:20
太 专 业 了  给 翻 译 下


发表于 2012-3-4 08:52 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-3-6 06:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-3-6 16:31 | 显示全部楼层
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