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发表于 2010-6-13 01:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

下周五就是卫塞节。配合这佛光普 照的日子,70岁的“察雅蒋衮”法王及18位喇嘛将主持“礼敬十六阿罗汉祈福法会”
佛陀的教育与精神,2500多年来度化无数衆生,引导世 人行善。而据称此法会与五浊恶世时加持力极大。当年十六罗汉遵照世尊嘱咐,不入涅磐,并尽力守护佛教弘 扬教义,为所有的法师及出家人作祈福,祈请诸位上师长久住世,法轮长转。

参加此法会因其贤善事业十方广宏,能累积的功德不可思议,可消除三 界衆生愚眛无知,并可利益施主,增长福德、寿元、财禄,消除疾病、魔障、增长智慧经教功德等。地点:甘丹东顶度悲林日期:5月28日2010年(星期五) 傍晚7时半至9时半:礼敬十六阿罗汉祈福大法会晚上9时半:法会圆满后的传灯仪式(及个人加持)3天除障消灾祈福大法会

藏传佛教格鲁派高阶上师--70岁的“察雅蒋衮”法王,将莅新主持三天(6月17日至19日)的盛大法 会。

这 次是甘丹东顶度悲林荣幸地再次的邀请到“察雅蒋衮”法王前来主持法会,还有幸获得由仁波切所特别传授的财宝天王承许灌顶、红度母承许灌顶更是首次举办。

弘法地点是牛车水人民剧场(30A Kreta Ayer Road, Kreta Ayer People’s Theatre,,靠近地铁站:欧南园) ,法会免费入场,有中文翻译,欲询问详情,请拨:63449521 、63420806 或90075376 /、96257506、 97928001千手观世音大灌顶 6月19日 (星期六)下午3时至5时、傍晚7时半至9时半地点:甘丹东顶渡悲林

观世音是总摄一切诸佛 的大悲为其本性,故称“大悲观音” 因为大悲观音代表的是十方一切诸佛的悲愿,故向大悲观音祈求、顶礼、供养,与向十方一切诸佛祈求、顶礼、供养是没有分别的。四百禳灾大法会6月17日(星 期四)上午10时至12时地点:甘丹东顶渡悲林


[ 本帖最后由 ericchua 于 2010-6-13 01:59 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-13 01:58 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-14 01:06 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-14 18:09 | 显示全部楼层
真的没人知道啊?:L :'(
 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-16 05:05 | 显示全部楼层

洛登谢拉布仁波切 就是  察雅蒋衮法王

法王 Dagyab Kyabgön仁波切属于藏传佛教吉祥格鲁派传统 。Dagyab Kyabgön的一直是西藏Dagyab东部的地区的精神领袖,并拥有Hothogthu Nomonhan '高贵诺门罕的尊称('Hothogthu'是指高贵,Nomonhan'诺门罕'指的是法王)。而这个尊称的拥有者,是属于最优秀和最高级的喇嘛。

仁波切出生于1940年7月27日在绵谷,东西藏。1945年,仁波切是认证为的吉祥哲蚌寺Dagyab Kyabgön 的第九世的转世灵童(Dagyab研究赞助人)。仁波切于位于中西藏的三大寺院之一的Drepung寺,考取了拉然巴格西学位(资格,相当于在印度大学博士生学位),在藏传佛教最高的学位。

1966年,仁波切受德国的波恩大学的邀请,成为该大学的科学家在藏学研究领域的专员。在德国几经众人请求教授佛教后,仁波切开始给予教导,以致演变成日后在欧洲成立的Choedzong 埃尔兰根。巴伐利亚佛教中心。于1984年。仁波切前往世界许多地方,给予佛法教导,在西方仁波切以强烈和热情的教学方式,和实践为导向享誉。此后,仁波切开始给予世界许多地区,包括荷兰,意大利,西班牙,瑞士,巴西,美国,新加坡佛法的教导。在他的教诲,他强调,如何在没有文化偏见中,简单实践佛法的方法,他非常鼓励他的学生把佛法融入到日常生活的实践中。仁波切能用藏语,英语和德语给予佛法教导。

仁波切被称誉为拥有最多的吉祥格鲁派的传承,以及大量的吉祥噶举派和吉祥萨嘉派的传承。仁波切本身接受了许多来自不同佛教传承的教法,特别是从DLLM和他的两个导师,以及萨嘉天津法王和卡卢仁波切 。仁波切也是已涅磐的Kyabje Trijiang仁波切的亲近弟子 ,DLLM的副导师。仁波切是现今极少数,拥有几乎所有藏传佛教宗派和的传承之一的大师。

His Holiness Dagyab Kyabgoen Rinpoche belongs to the Gelug tradition of Tibetan Buddhism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gelug). The Dagyab Kyabgoens have been the spiritual head of the Dagyab region in Eastern Tibet, and carrys the title Hothogthu Nomonhan (‘Hothogthu’ means noble, ‘Nomonhan’ refers to the King of Dharma). This title is exclusive to a group of most outstanding and highest-ranking Lamas.

Early Life
Rinpoche was born on 27th July 1940 in Menya, Eastern Tibet. In 1945, Rinpoche was recognized as the reincarnation of the 9th Kyabgoen of Dagyab (Patron of Dagyab). Rinpoche studied at the Drepung monastery, one of the 3 main monastic universities in Central Tibet and has also achieved the title of Geshe Lharampa (a qualification which is equivalent to the PHD degree in Indian universities), the highest degree awarded in Tibetan Buddhism.

Turning the Wheel of Dharma
In 1966, Rinpoche was invited by the University of Bonn to Germany, and became a research scientist in the field of Tibetan studies at the University. After several requests from people in Germany for Buddhist teachings, Rinpoche started to give teachings in the Europe, which led to the founding of Choedzong Buddhist Center in Erlangen, Bavaria in 1984. Rinpoche travels to many parts of the world to give Dharma teachings, and is especially known in the West for his practise-oriented, intensive and enthusiastic way of teaching Tantra. Rinpoche has since given Dharma teachings in many parts of the world including Holland, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Brazil, America, Singapore, Malaysia, India and Tibet. In his teachings, he emphasizes the importance of practicing the Buddha Dharma in a simple way without cultural bias and he greatly encourages his students to integrate Buddhist practice into daily life. He teaches in the Tibetan, English and German language.

Rinpoche is known to hold the most transmissions of the Gelugpa lineage, as well as a vast number of transmissions of the Sakya and Kagyu schools. Rinpoche himself received many teachings from different Tibetan Buddhist traditions, particularly from His Holiness the DLLM and his two Tutors, as well as His Holiness Sakya Trizin and Kalu Rinpoche. He was also one of the closest students of the late Kyabje Trijiang Rinpoche, the junior tutor to His Holiness the DLLM Rinpoche is a one of the rare living Masters today who holds almost all the transmissions and lineages of Tibetan Buddhism.

[ 本帖最后由 ericchua 于 2010-6-16 06:44 编辑 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-16 05:13 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-6-16 07:30 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-6-16 12:40 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 云水堂主 于 2009-11-3 16:30 发表

http://www.gelu.org/bbs/viewthre ... page%3D1&page=3

发表于 2010-6-16 12:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-6-17 11:21 | 显示全部楼层
:) 顶礼察雅仁波切
发表于 2012-3-5 13:47 | 显示全部楼层
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