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发表于 2023-3-8 14:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 cjysy 于 2023-3-8 14:23 编辑

以下是我译自嘉瓦仁波切(与一位尼师合著)的《轮回、涅槃、佛性(Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature)》。








According to Sūtra, meditation on the clear and cognizant nature of the mind or on the transforming buddha nature alone will not eradicate afflictions.



However, it does lead us to have more confidence that afflictions are not an inherent part of the mind and therefore that becoming a buddha is possible.

This, in turn, leads us to question: What defiles the mind and what can eliminate these defilements completely? Seeking the method to purify the transforming buddha nature, we will cultivate the wisdom realizing the emptiness of inherent existence and eradicate ignorance.




According to Dzogchen and Mahāmudrā, meditation on the clear and cognizant nature of the mind could lead the coarse winds to dissolve and the subtlest clear light mind to become manifest.



When this happens, practitioners who have previously cultivated a correct understanding of emptiness then incorporate that understanding in their meditation and use the innate clear light mind to realize emptiness and abolish afflictions.


It is important to understand the Sublime Continuum correctly from a Dzogchen and Mahāmudrā point of view.

Some people take it literally, leading them to incorrectly believe that primordial wisdom is permanent, inherently existent, independent of any other factors, and does not rely on causes and conditions.

They then make statements such as, “If you unravelthis secret, you will be liberated.”





Dodrup Jigme Tenpai Nyima (1865– 1926) and his disciple Tsultrim Zangpo (1884–c.1957), who were great Dzogchen scholars and practitioners, said that the mere presence of this primordial wisdom within us alone cannot liberate us.

多珠·晋美丹贝尼玛 (第三世多智钦,1865-1926) 和他的弟子慈诚桑波 (1884-c.1957,又名祖古促洛),他们都是伟大的大圆满学者和修行者,他们说仅仅存在于我们内心的本初智慧并不能解脱我们。


Why not? At the time of death, all other minds have dissolved, and only the primordial mind remains. Even though it has manifested in all the infinite number of deaths we have experienced in saṃsāra, that has not helped us attain buddhahood.

为什么不能? 死的时候,其他的心都消失了,只有本心还在。 即使它在我们轮回中经历的无数无量死亡中显现出来,但这并没有帮助我们证得佛果。


These two sages say that in order to attain buddhahood, it is necessary to utilize the primordial wisdom to realize emptiness; only that will liberate us. This is consistent with Tsongkhapa’s view.

这二位圣人说,要成佛,必须要运用本初智慧,来证悟空性; 只有这样才能解脱我们。 这与宗喀巴大师的观点是一致的。

Some commentaries on Dzogchen and Mahāmudrā say:

This wisdom that abides in the afflictions is the true wisdom, and on this basis every sentient being is already a buddha.

Although we have been buddhas from beginningless time, we have to be awakened again.

The wisdom that we have now is the omniscient mind of a buddha, and the three bodies of a buddha exist innately in each sentient being. Sentient beings have a basis of essential purity that is not merely emptiness but is endowed with three aspects.

Its entity is the dharmakāya — the mode of abiding of pristine wisdom;
its nature is the enjoyment body — the appearance aspect of that mind;
and compassion is the emanation bodies — its radiance or expression.

In short, they say that all three buddha bodies are present, fully formed in our ordinary state, but since they are obscured we are not aware of their presence.

Such statements taken literally are fraught with problems.

While some people are partial and unfair in their criticism and refute misconceptions in only some traditions, Changkya Rolpai Dorje (1717–86) was unbiased and pointed out incorrect interpretations in all four Tibetan traditions, including his own Geluk tradition.





虽然有些人的批评是偏袒和不公平的,并且只驳斥了某些传统的错误观念,但章嘉若贝多杰(1717-86 年)却不偏不倚,指出了所有四个西藏传统(宁玛、萨迦、噶举、格鲁)的(可能蕴含的)错误解释,包括他自己的格鲁派传统。

In his Song of the Experience of the View, he says,

“I say this not out of disrespect to these masters, but perhaps they have had less exposure to rigorous philosophical investigation of the great treatises and were unable to use certain terminology appropriately.”

That is, the difficulty in their assertions lies in a broad use of terminology that is not grounded in the authority of the great treatises.




 楼主| 发表于 2023-3-8 14:21 | 显示全部楼层
Of course, Changkya’s comments do not apply to Dzogchen and Mahāmudrā masters such as Dodrup Jigme Tenpai Nyima and his teacher Awa Pangchu, who have doneserious philosophical study and examination of the great treatises and who ground their understanding of Dzogchen in them. Their interpretations and writings are excellent.

当然,章嘉的评论不适用于大圆满和大手印上师,如:多珠·晋美丹贝尼玛(第三世多智钦)和他的老师阿瓦邦楚(此人我未能考证其身份),他们对大论进行了认真的哲学研究和审查,并将他们对大圆满的理解建立在其中。 他们的解释和著作非常出色。

All four Tibetan traditions teach practices that search for the mind — where it came from, where it goes, what its shape and color are, and so forth.

Speaking of this shared practice, Changkya said that after searching in this manner, we find that the mind is not tangible, lacks color and shape, and does not come from one place or go to another.

Discovering this, meditators experience a sensation of voidness. However, this voidness is not the emptiness of inherent existence that is the ultimate reality of the mind; it is the mere absence of the mind being a tangible object.

Although someone may think this voidness is ultimate reality and meditate in that state for a long time, this is not meditation on the ultimate nature of the mind.



发现这一点,禅修者会体验到空的觉受。 然而,这种空并不是心的法性(究竟实相)——即自性空; 它只是使“无心”成为一个具体的所缘。


Knowledge of the two types of buddha nature answers this question.

One is the naturally abiding buddha nature — the emptiness of inherent existence of our minds — which has always been and will always be the ultimate nature of our minds.

The second is the transforming buddha nature — the mind whose continuity goes on to awakening but at present is not yet freed from defilement.

This mind serves as the basis for the emptiness that is the naturally abiding buddha nature.

These two types of buddha nature are already present within us.

The afflictions are not embedded in our minds; our minds are obscured by defilements but are not the nature of defilement.

These obscuring factors can be forever eliminated by applying suitable antidotes.

This buddha nature is an indelible part of us.

Each sentient being has it, so no matter how low we or others may fall as a result of our afflictions, afflictions and suffering are not our nature. We are worthwhile beings who deserve happiness.

Our buddha nature can never be lost and we do not need to prove ourselves to anyone.

The unpurified mind is saṃsāra; the purified mind is the basis of nirvāṇa. All that is needed is our confidence and sincere effort to follow the path, purify our buddha nature, and cultivate awakened qualities. These are the topics of the present volume.






烦恼并不是我们的心中之根(原文作并非植根于我们的心); 我们的心被烦恼障蔽,但心的本质不是烦恼。



每个众生都有,所以无论我们或他人因我们的烦恼而堕落到多么低下,烦恼和痛苦都不是我们的本性。 我们都是值得拥有幸福的人。


未净化的心是轮回; 清净的心是涅盘的基础。 所需要的只是我们的信心,和,真诚的努力去遵循这条道路,净化我们的佛性,培养觉醒的品质。 这些是本册书的主题。


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发表于 2023-3-8 15:06 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2023-3-8 15:07 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2023-3-8 15:13 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2023-3-8 15:15 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2023-3-8 15:39 | 显示全部楼层
cjysy 发表于 2023-3-8 14:21
Of course, Changkya’s comments do not apply to Dzogchen and Mahāmudrā masters such as Dodrup Jigm ...

发表于 2023-3-8 16:03 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 阿傣 于 2023-3-8 16:19 编辑

发表于 2023-3-8 16:19 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2023-3-8 22:42 | 显示全部楼层
觀音尊者與比丘尼圖丹卻准這系列的書原則上是以廣論為架構, 但卻是更深入淺出的介紹給佛法基礎較薄弱的歐美人士閱讀後, 能接上廣論的內涵,直白地說:廣論的道前基礎
发表于 2023-3-9 17:56 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2023-3-16 14:12 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
narraboth 发表于 2023-3-9 17:56
沒有在生時證得子光明,難以在死時"子入母懷"。此處的譬喻是說子見母自然認識,倘使連子都不知,如何認識母 ...

发表于 2023-3-17 19:49 | 显示全部楼层
bmdj 发表于 2023-3-16 14:12


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