今年八月初在海外有幸领受了一位仁波切的红黄文殊灌顶。传法后道场提供的是英文仪轨。可是我实在不能接受,日修的时候念诵英文仪轨,赶觉很怪,而且不押韵。 于是我自行翻译了整个仪轨(也参考了其他译师的译文)。其中部分是修法结尾处,念诵文殊祈请文(“怙主大智 离二障云……”)后的发愿部分,内容如后,这部分似乎是多种相关愿文编纂至一处合成的,整个部分我没有找到中文译文: 1.Whenever I desire to meet you or to askyou the slightest thing, lord protector Manjughosha, may I see you withouthindrance!
2.Loving one, by the radiance of yoursupreme knowledge may the darkness of obscurity in my intellect be whollydispelled! Bestow upon me a vision of confidentintellect which realizes the traditions of original teachings and commentaries!
3.Through knowledge, you remain not in thisworld; through compassion, you languor not in peace. I supplicate the mind ofManjughosha, dwelling neither in samsara nor nirvana! 4.Holding from this time forward, until infuture I attain enlightenment, I supplicate you, bhagavan Manjughosha, I askyou to be my guru!
5.You whose excellent wisdom, brighter thana thousand suns, uproots the ignorance of living beings, excellent deityManjughosha, enter always into my heart.
6.In the lotus-pond of four headed Brahma'sfaces, the daughter of the swans is completely white;may Sarasvati, melodiousgoddess, play long in my mind! 1和2段我在网上检索到了合适的译文。3-5是我自己翻译的,请各位大德赐教指正。不知哪位能够提供藏文的原文? 1.任何时中或欲见 及有少许欲问者 于所怙主妙吉祥 愿无障碍常得见 (夏坝仁波切 白文殊仪轨) 2.大悲尊以极遍智光明 尽除我心愚痴诸黑暗 契经及论教典皆证得 愿赐智慧辩才咸显现 (喇荣课诵集) 3.因智不住于世间,因悲不耽于安乐,祈请妙音之心续,不住轮回与涅槃。(我最初是将peace翻译为“安乐”,是不是译为“寂灭”更佳?) 4.从此时起至来世,直至成就菩提果,祈请世尊妙吉祥,始终为我之上师。 5.尊慧如同千日光,尽除有情之无明,祈请本尊妙吉祥,常入我等之心间。 6.四面梵天莲花池塘中,天鹅之女洁白之身色,声音天女妙音佛母尊,祈愿于我心间长嬉戏。(这段祈请妙音佛母,可是妙音佛母和梵天的池塘和天鹅有什么关系呢?)