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請祈竹仁波切去澳洲的格西路敦(Geshe Loden)長住在melbourne,不過兩年前圓寂了,似乎他們中心還沒有長住喇嘛,由資深在家老外代教:
‘The new introductory series, The Essence of Buddhist Meditation commences on Sunday 10 March at 1.30 - 3 pm. The teacher is Anthony Joseph, a long time student of the Society's founder, Venerable Geshe Acharya Thubten Loden. The session includes a talk, guided meditations, opportunity for questions followed by tea/coffee and home-baked cakes. ’
http://www.tibetanbuddhistsociet ... events-in-melbourne
Visit by Zasep Tulku Rinpoche to Yuroke
The Venerable Acharya Zasep Tulku Rinpoche first visited Australia from 1976 through to 1979. He was Geshe Loden’s translator at Chenrezig Institute, and formed a close relationship with Geshe-la. On his visits to Melbourne, Rinpoche would make a point of visiting Geshe-la.
Since 1976 he has taught western Dharma students in Australia, Canada, and the United States and has developed Dharma centres in each of these countries. Rinpoche regularly visits these centres and offers extensive teachings, initiations and retreats, which his many students enthusiastically attend.
Rinpoche will be visiting Australia in 2013, and will be teaching at a number of centres, including the Tibetan Buddhist Society in Melbourne and Perth.
In Melbourne Rinpoche will provide teachings on the following:
Introduction to Vajrayana 7.30 - 9 pm Friday 3 May
Vajrayogini Generation Stage - 10 - 5 pm daily, weekend of 4 & 5 May. The weekend teachings will be available to those with Vajrayogini empowerments.
Here is some information about Rinpoche's visit to Australia.
PS: 似乎是很‘洋化’的中心,和祈竹仁波切在悉尼的中心不一樣。。。:)