本帖最后由 庆喜贤 于 2012-12-7 11:09 编辑
尊者降诞于雪域之下康区,早岁即被认定为第三世安多夏玛仁波切的转世。尊者八岁受沙弥戒,以杰·谢拉嘉措(Je Sherab Gyatso)为主要亲教师,习学五部大论;二十岁受比丘戒,从学于彼时之大学者众,彼等学者之中又以蒋贝阿若仁波切( Kyabje Arol Rinpoche)而为主要依止。其后长时,尊者于冬季闭关坐静,于夏季在拉卜楞寺受法。 因尊者之威名,数以百计之众云集于支扎隐修处从尊者学法静修。一九零三年,由尊者协助创立上支扎寺之分院——根顿塔西曲林,彼寺又因尊者所创制之课程而闻名。尊者一时成为学贯五明的大学者,当十三世持莲手莅临塔尔寺之时,授予尊者“持教之王,大班智达”之称号。尊者有九函专著留世,此等著作涵括道次第、般若波罗蜜以及中观等之教授。
英文 The Fourth Amdo Zhamar, Gendun Tenzin Gyatso (1852–1912) The Fourth Amdo Zhamar, Gendun Tenzin Gyatso, was born in lower Kham, Tibet, and recognized at an early age as the reincarnation of the Third Amdo Zhamar. He was ordained at age 8 and Je Sherab Gyatso became his main personal tutor, instructing him in the five great treatises. He received full ordination at 20 and took many teachings from great scholars of the day, principal among them Kyabje Arol Rinpoche. For many years he spent the winters in single-pointed retreat and the summers receiving Dharma teachings at Labrang Tashi Kyil. He drew hundreds of new retreatants to Ditsa hermitage for meditation and in 1903 he helped found Gendun Tashi Choling, part of the upper Ditsa Monastery, which became famous due to the new philosophical curriculum he established there. He became such a great scholar in all five fields of knowledge that when H.H. the Thriteenth Dalai Lama visited Kubum monastery he bestowed on Zhamar Rinpoche the name “King of the Dharma, Mahapandita”. His writings fill 9 volumes including many works on Lamrim, the Perfection of Wisdom, and the middle-way philosophy.