Notice of Beijing Longquan Monastery Multilingual Dharma Assembly for Memorizing Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s Birthday On the 30th Day of the 7th Lunar Month 地藏菩萨,功德殊胜:“安忍不动,犹如大地;静虑深密,犹如秘藏。”因名地藏。地藏菩萨,本门深远,证同于佛,迹现菩萨而已。地藏菩萨,誓愿坚固,无量劫来,广济有情,累劫报亲恩;积功聚德,微妙难思,早已证得佛果无量无边殊胜功德。 无量劫来,我们受到地藏菩萨的无边护佑。在这样一位大菩萨圣诞这样殊胜的日子里,北京龙泉寺将于2012年9月15日至9月16日(星期六、星期日),举办为期二天的七·三十地藏菩萨圣诞法会,感念地藏菩萨功德,为十方众生祈福。 同期,将面对广大外语爱好者及国际背景人士设立多语种分会场,举办独具特色的系列活动,如多语种诵经(备有中、英、法、德、俄、日、韩、西等语种的经本),英文早晚课,静坐体验、农禅体验等。 英文分场将在2天的时间里由法师领众唪诵英文版《地藏菩萨本愿经》。诵经利益不可思议,欢迎大众共沾法喜! 2天的时间,定会带给您一份慈悲的感动,一份对于当代佛教风貌的崭新体验。 欢迎您的到来!并把这份殊胜的因缘分享给您的亲朋好友! Ksitigarbha (Earth Store) Bodhisattva represents extraordinary, marvelous merits, as said in the sutra, he is “peaceful and patient without disturbance, just as the great earth; profound and secret in meditation, just as the treasured store.” The bodhisattva, driven by his great vows, has long ago obtained immeasurable, extraordinary merits and virtues by way of his profound and vast deeds of benefiting beings. To memorize the birthday of such a great bodhisattva (the 30th day of the seventh lunar calendar), Beijing Longquan Monastery will host a 2-day Dharma assembly from September 15 —16 (Saturday & Sunday). At the multilingual venues of the Dharma assembly, a series of activities with special features are arranged for language enthusiasts and people from different cultural backgrounds and speaking different languages. These include multilingual sutra-chanting (available are Buddhist scriptures in Chinese, English, French, German, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, etc.), meditation practice, morning and evening recitation in English, Dharma talks, organic farm experience, etc. At the English venue of the Dharma assembly, participants are going to chant the Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva under the leading of monks. The 2-day experience is sure to touch you with a sense of compassion and love, and a brand new appreciation of a modern Buddhist monastery. Welcome to join us! Please feel free to share this great news with your friends! 一、活动时间:2012年9月15日~9月16日 二、活动地点:北京市海淀区龙泉寺路27号北京龙泉寺 三、报名及参加条件: 1. 报名范围:广大外语爱好者及国际背景人士; 2. 参加者身心健康,无突发性及传染性疾病; 3. 申请报名须填写报名表(附近期照片),发至本活动指定电子邮箱(见下),或将打印稿直接交给联系人。 四、报到时间: 全程参加法会的人员请于2012年9月14日(周五)10:00—18:00持个人有效证件(限于皈依证、身份证、护照)到北京龙泉寺客堂报到。 法会期间的其他时间您也可以随缘参加修学体验活动。 五、注意事项: 1. 寺院内食宿全程免费(住宿条件有限,满员的话附近有农家院旅店可以住宿); 2. 请自觉遵守寺院各堂口规约; 3. 洗漱用具等基本生活用品请自备(寺院可提供脸盆); 4. 山上天气凉爽,气温比市区低3~4℃,请选择合适着装(要求上不露肘,下不露膝) 5. 寺庙住宿床位有限,请尽量早到。 六、联系方式 联系人:张颖华 郑屹 咨询电话:13716391437 13681469996 1. Time: From 15th to 16th September, 2012. 2. Venue: Beijing Longquan Monastery (No. 27, Longquan Rd., Haidian District, Beijing). 3. Terms and Conditions of Enrolment: a) Scope of Enrolment: different language speakers, cross-cultural backgrounds welcomed. b) The participants should be sound in body and mind, without acute or infectious diseases. c) Participants prepared to attend all the activities are preferred. d) Applicants should fill in the registration form (enclosed with their recent picture for the form), then send it to the following email address:, or print and present the form to the contact person. 4. Time for check-in Please check in at the Reception of Longquan Monastery on August 4th (10:00—18:00), 2012. Kindly remind you of taking your certificates with you (ID card, passport, refuge-taking certificate). The participants who arrive at the Monastery at the time other than the check-in day during the Dharma Assembly are welcomed to join us upon their arrival. 5. Matters needing attention a) Free accommodation in the monastery (Beds are limited in the monastery, to be distributed according to time of check-in. There are commercial lodging conditions in the neighboring farmers’ houses); b) Please keep to the regulations in the monastery; c) Please bring with you the basic toiletries for daily use (there are basins in the monastery). d) It is cool in the Monastery in summer. The temperature there is usually 3-4 degrees lower than that in the downtown of Beijing, so please bring with you enough and proper clothes. The clothes are supposed to be with sleeves long enough to cover your elbow, and trousers long enough to cover your knees. e) Please get to the Monastery as early as possible owing to limited beds available. 6. Contact us Contacts: Zhang Yinghua; Zheng Yi Cellphone: 13716391437; 13681469996 |