<P align=center><FONT size=5><STRONG>色拉寺昧院堪萨老方丈阿旺提秋仁波且简介</STRONG></FONT></P><P align=center><STRONG><FONT size=5><IMG src="http://www.b-i-a.net/_borders/Khensur_Rinpoche.gif"></FONT></STRONG></P><P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"><FONT face=宋体 size=5>老方丈乃三大寺之现任及退任方丈中地位最高者,亦为藏传佛教格鲁派数十万僧众中最高长老及学者之一,堪称“众师之师”。</FONT></P><P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"><FONT size=5><FONT face=宋体>老法师生于<SPAN lang=EN-US>20年代,八岁发心出家,在川北寺院学法,后赴拉萨色拉寺进修,考得头等格西(博士)学位,更因其学识被委任为甘丹赤巴法王代表与色拉寺昧院方丈。在任期间,老法师在印度荒野中建起了现今为1500位僧伽提供教育及住宿之色拉寺昧院佛教大学。在过去四十年间,老法师不断致力于年轻僧伽教育,即使于1976年退任后仍坚持每天授学,曾接受其教化的僧伽弟子人数有数万之多,其中包括香港及世界各国之佛教显密研修院之根本上师祈竹仁波且与众多现今已成为各大寺院方丈之长老大德,影响极大。</SPAN></FONT></FONT></P><P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"><FONT size=5><FONT face=宋体><SPAN lang=EN-US></SPAN></FONT></FONT> </P><FONT size=5><FONT face=宋体><SPAN lang=EN-US><P><FONT face="Bookman Old Style" color=#004040><STRONG><FONT size=3><BIG><BIG>K</BIG></BIG>hensur Rinpoche Ngawang Thekchok was born in the 1920's in Eastern Tibet. At the young age of 8 Rinpoche expressed his wish to enter monkhood and work for the welfare of sentient beings. He was admitted into a local monastery and in 3 years have memorized most of the important texts. Rinpoche went to </FONT><FONT size=3>Sera-Mey Monastery</FONT><FONT size=3> to further his studies and graduated as a Geshe Lharampa, the highest degree. </FONT><P><FONT size=3><BIG><BIG>R</BIG></BIG>inpoche went to India in 1960's and was appointed to be the abbot of the </FONT><FONT size=3>re-established Sera-Mey Monastery</FONT><FONT size=3>. He served in this position for 10 years, between 1966-1976. </FONT><P><FONT size=3>In the past 40 years, other than practicing in retreat a few times, Rinpoche has been working continuously and selflessly for the monastic education at </FONT><FONT size=3>Sera Monastery</FONT><FONT size=3>. On a typical day, Rinpoche would teach up to 6 sessions, totaling 16 hours, to different groups of students. </FONT></P><P> </P></STRONG></FONT></SPAN></FONT></FONT> |