“ However, in 1976, at age 15, he left for Ganden Gelug University in South India to begin his distinguished academic pursuit, obtaining the title of Geshe in the Madhyamika philosophy under the direction of Ganden Trichen Jamphel Shenphen. He was named Khen Rinpoche Tenzin Legshey
Two thousand started in his class, and when Rinpoche finished his geshe training in 1989, only sixty of the original group remained. The training was intensive and difficult. Students were continuously gleaned out through a selection process that required them to be able to publicly answer any question put to them on grammar, philosophy, math, astrology or medicine. He accomplished the difficult exam and was recognized for completing the exam on the Essence of True Eloquence (Lekshe Nyingpo) one of the most difficult and complex works produced by Je Tsonkhapa, founder of the Gelukpa. Afterwards he was given the title of Geshe Uma Rabjampa.
He began teaching at Ganden under the title of Khenpo Jigme Sopa and his students continually ranked first in their exams. However, in 1989, under the advice of his father, he went to Rumtek monastery in Sikkim, the seat of the Karma Kagyu, to complete the traditional 3 year, 7 month retreat in Mahamudra。。。。”
- 信内㝍得很清楚,他只念完中观课程(Uma Rabjamba)
- 信内对他确有''格西''称呼,但绝无''拉讓巴格西''一句。
说白了,仁波切就是一位三十多岁、曾在甘丹寺就学十年,学完中观的僧人(即完成因明、般若、中观课程)。 可能学习还真不错,曾在康村带过一些年轻僧人学习而己。这已经很好了。
以前去色拉寺, 我问学僧的未来计划,大多是打算念完中观就回寺院的。深圳格西(格西可真是头等格西)、我们寺院周围,都会见到这些低调的僧人,可他们决不会自称为格西!
- 他为拉讓巴格西
- 他曾当甘丹寺堪布
- 说不通,就说他是特殊的。拿的是一个特殊的‘格西’学位!
真是谎言说出千次就能成真吗? 起码,我看到仁波切的弟子是如此坚持的,而其中、英全球网站对这些吹嘘的用字,这么几年下来,也决不更改, 继续''甘丹寺堪布'', ''甘丹寺格西'' 下去。...
[ 本帖最后由 了了 于 2009-10-2 11:29 编辑 ] |